Chapter 30 - Happiness is Short-Lived

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Just wondering, do you guys actually like seeing Conrad's POV? Or do you guys prefer Rosa's?

And Alex Goot & Boyce Avenue's awesome cover of a Thousand Miles -->



            I looked across her little table, a sheet of paper sticking out. Was that what she was hiding? It was a picture of her and another man. She looked happier in the photograph, the picture set amidst a Victorian-style house. He was good-looking, I would admit, clear blue eyes and midnight hair.On this fateful day, the most important person to me arrived into this world. Happy birthday.”

            “…Who are you?” Rosa’s words had taken my attention away from the photograph. Her voice was puzzled, even slightly surprised. Who was she talking to, this time at night on her balcony?

            “I’ve come to take you away from them, Rosa.” A male’s voice, the voice sending chills down my spine. Every inch of my body warned of danger, and without a second’s hesitation, I rushed out. There was fear gnawing at the pit of my stomach, the fear of losing someone again. I slammed the balcony doors open, the moonlight bright enough for me to see clearly. Her screams were muffled, but I could not mistake the look of recognition in her lucid green eyes.

“Rosa, what’s -- Let go of her!”

            One of the faeries had jumped off the building with Rosa, her mouth clamped and her eyes staring at me blandly. She was blinded, and I could only hope that such magic was temporary. I was about to chase after her when someone smashed my mental barriers, a sword closely pressed to my neck. I turned to see another figure, a man about my height, dark hair, blue eyes and skin pale against the moonlight. I stared at him with clenched fists, fighting back his immense power. How I wished I did not know him, how I wished I had not seen the photograph, how I wished I had not seen how Rosa had looked at him. He should not be here. He should be dead.

            “Where the hell are you taking her?” I asked through gritted teeth. This was worse than I had ever imagined. Thank Seibara for reminding me that even the Palace walls held enemies; his fears were very well accounted for – at least I was mentally prepared and had a sword with me. I got ready, the tiny air of magic ready to incinerate him any second. She might hate me all her life for killing him, but something about him told me that he was more than capable of withstanding my rage.

            “A human magic-wielder. You are a strange… oddity,” he replied coldly, his sword out. In a flash, I ignited the air around us. He jumped back, the sword thrown to the side. I unsheathed my weapon, striking him without a second thought. He parried the blows with equal strength, the light slowly flicking and shifting. Is he a faerie? Is that why she’s so hesitant at fighting back?

            “I asked a question,” I snapped, the flames now all around us. I could see the edges of the curtains getting singed, but the Palace was more than rich enough to fix some of my damage if it meant her life. “Hmm, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to tell you. Aldeina Castle, within the city in which only us magic-bloods can enter. She’s not safer here than she is there,” he retorted with ferocious blue eyes as our blades reached each other’s necks. Our mental battle was in a stalemate, and we stopped in mutual agreement. “What do you mean? You’re putting her in the middle of enemy territory and you expect her to be safe—“ “They need her divine blood. They won’t kill her, not yet. And I can get her to run away from this entire stupid fate.”

The Kingdom of the Rose: Rise of the Heir [Romance/Fantasy/Adventure]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum