Chapter 38 - Words of Truth

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My last Friday before my exams... and I am... writing  :D

Thank you for all your awesome support! Thanks for all the reads, votes, comments! Love you all! xoxo

--> Ariana Grande's awesome voice <3

P.S. Please forgive my grammar errors here. Really had no time to edit ><


For once, I walked down the steps as carefully as a princess would like. I might not be the most beautiful person in the world, but I carried myself with sound confidence. Why am I like this? Because this might be my last few moments alive, and the last few days the Crescerans walked on the face of the Earth. So at least I had to make it a proud moment.

Stepping on the garden cobblestones lightly, making sure my head was held up high. I treaded on towards the large Treslean root. The faeries had made it into a table for two, and I could make out his familiar figure. Along the way Ellëya whispered to me the courtesies of their race, how Lenn still insisted on asking me despite his mother’s displeasure.

 "We... really need to talk," I bit my lip as I faced my childhood sweetheart, close enough that he was a few footsteps away. His black hair was neatly brushed, wearing a classy looking faerie robe. But thanks to Ellëya, I managed to look up to par despite my loss in weight and the unnatural paleness of my skin. 

"Yes, I believe so," he replied, his blue eyes showing no hint of emotion but a light smile playing on his lips. The table was laid with lots of fruits, and a closed meal, but despite my hunger, my mind was far, too far away, from food. 

I did not know where to start. I wanted to open my mouth and blurt everything that Ellëya had told me, but a part of my conscience warned the possibility of his betrayal. Lenn was – is - the ultimate strategist in any game, and although I believed and trusted him, there was that one point in life in which he lied about his death. Then again, I could try and let myself into his mind and --

“Look, I know these few days it's been difficult for you. I placed you in an unfamiliar place after disappearing for two whole months pretending to be dead. And then there's my demanding, insane mother. I'm sorry, for putting you through all this. And thank you, for putting up with all this madness,” he interrupted my thoughts with his gentle baritone voice, his hand motioning for me to sit beside him. I followed suit, unsure of how to reply him. I’m sorry too?

“Isn’t it beautiful?” he asked, leaning back to the somehow comfortable chair. We were in somewhat of a garden hill, so it allowed enough height for us to see through the gates to the city and the horizon beyond. I caught up his gaze to the twinkling stars, the constant reminder to his bright presence. “You’re awfully quiet today, you know that?” he chuckled lightly, pushing a strand from my face.

“…Because I don’t know how to start the conversation,” I replied softly.

“Your impatience never changes,” he chuckled quietly. We remained quiet.

“In my world, when one decides that they can never ever let go of another, they make an soul pact below the Treslean tree. Underneath the castle is a small… shrine as you call it, where the public is allowed to enter and do as they wish. But those who are not gifted with the magic arts do something different instead. They give a certain amount of their blood to the priest, and he will encrust it into a tiny seed for the other to cherish to eternity. And should one die, the other shall plant the seed on their tombs, and so forth. It is magic reserved only for the most talented, a very difficult task to bind one’s Energia to a compatible seed. I think that is a wonderful way for us to exist with nature. In fact, as mentally delusional my mother sometimes is, she still goes to the wastelands to search and plant the seeds on behalf of their lovers, giving them their harsh solace.”

The Kingdom of the Rose: Rise of the Heir [Romance/Fantasy/Adventure]Where stories live. Discover now