Chapter 35 - Exploitation

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Hey guys, it's another Friday. And we're still on our way to 2000 reads. Awesome job, all you lovely readers, fans and followers. I love how the votes keep increasing, and after a tiring day like today, updating just makes me smile.

Anyways this might be one of the longest chapters yet. I really wanted to separate it into two chapters with the previous one, but I guess it's best to make this entire thing a surprise. Yeah, hands up if you are surprised with what happens by the end of this chapter?

I love this chapter. It's absolutely one of my favorites, because writing it... is just so fun. :)

--> Note: I uploaded this on the wrong book, so I am so super sorry for the delay >w<


            “Don’t you trust me, Rosa? I’ll return to you, no matter what,” he laughed as he closed the distance across our lips.

            I smiled at his words. “No matter what,” I recited as I pulled him closer.


If things had not been the way they have gone, he would have been the one for me, my other half, the person who made me feel whole. With a sigh, I allowed him into my mind, letting him take some respite. He cried, the sad song of his heart flowing through our mental connection. I could feel his distress, missing his old home and yet torn with his biological family. He pulled my head close to his chest, the melodies of grief playing over our heads. We stayed there for a while, our consciousness melding into one.

 “No, you shouldn’t be here. This is wrong. You’re going to regret this, Rosa. You really are,” he shook his head, pushing me suddenly away. Maybe I will, but until then…

“Lenn, I know how you feel, but I lo–“

A loud cry took the both of us by surprise. My chest started to ebb with pain. Looking down, I realized the Cresceran mark glowing a shimmering golden red. No. He should have gone. It’s more than five minutes, Conrad. You should have not waited for me, it was an order -- I met Lenn’s disheartened eyes. My eyes widened in realization. “No. No! Not him!” I shook my head, breaking open the door and running to Conrad’s voice.

“No, Rosa! Not now! You don’t want to see –“

I ignored his words, knowing that I had made one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I’m so sorry, Conrad. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. You idiot. “Conrad!”

            I jumped the flight of stairs, whirling around the place like a storm. With a strong grunt, I kicked the doors open as I reached the main throne room, his cries of agony still ringing in my ears. What have they done to him? “Rosa, I really think –“ Lenn followed behind me, stopping midsentence as he saw what was happening. No, no. This is wrong. This is all entirely my fault. He should not have to go through –

            The flawless marble flooring was covered in dots of blood, the familiar figure now kneeling in submission, facing the royal personage standing in front of him. “Sorry, Rosa. They caught me,” Conrad coughed blood, his face now bruised and blood seeping out of his nose. A large gash was on his body, the blood flowing into a large pool.

“Y-you…” I choked out, the tears rushing out at the sight. “… I t-told you to run…” I whispered, my voice barely able to pronounce the words without breaking down. Why didn’t you run? It’s been ten minutes…I did this to him. I did not know how they manage to do so much damage within a few minutes, but they will pay. I swear they will pay.

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