Chapter 22 - Wavering Resolve

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More and more reads! Yayyy, thank you everyone!

I'm currently editing the first 3 chapters and realized how many mistakes there are, so maybe once I've finished the entire thing I might look over all that once again. I'll post a message once I've finished editing each chapter, so if you're curious what it will look like, click follow! :)


        We were just another day away.

       The words were constantly bugging my mind, like a constant reminder of the dread and anxiety building up inside my stomach. There were so many other things than that, though. Dan was still giving me the silent treatment these past two days, speaking to me only as necessary and staying at the front lines. Even at night, he stayed away from our camp. I felt lost, alone. To lose someone physically was so much different. He was still here, but to me, he was a thousand miles away.


       “Why are you even angry at me? You know as well as I that this is for the good of everyone. I don’t understand you at all!” I pulled his hands so that he would look at me. He glanced at me, slowly, his face an emotionless mask. My mind was in turmoil; never before had I seen Dan act this way. It was like a new side of him, or perhaps his usual self in so many pieces that he was now a void shell.

       “Well? Don’t just stand there looking at me that way!” I folded my hands, waiting impatiently for an explanation, just as I always did. “You’re right, you don’t understand,” he exhaled, slowly revealing the frustration he held within. “It’s not your fault that I cannot protect you, and it’s not Conrad’s fault for being able to do what I cannot!” he bellowed.  “Where was I when you were on your deathbed? I was far away, in Celtara, having a cup of tea with some General. I feel worthless, Rosa. Like a silhouette only watching from a distance. There’s nothing I can do; all I ever do is watch you guys die,” he whispered softly.

       “And will this fine line between us quell your doubts? How do you think I feel every day, Dan? I feel just the exact same way. Except there are thousands there in Celtara waiting for me to protect them, and hundreds already dead with their expectations weighing on me. I am compelled to go on that mission, no matter what. You know that given the choice, I would have ran a long time ago,” I retorted with the same ferocity. It wasn’t right that he was angry with me for something that I could not possibly avoid.

       “Then let’s run away, Rosa. You do have a choice,” his earnest green eyes were unwavering, almost begging.  

       “No, Dan. Not now, not when we have come so far,” I replied, my voice a pleading whisper.

       He chuckled sarcastically, looking away. “I know, that’s the difference. I am not Rico. No matter what I say, you wouldn’t listen. But If I were him, things would have been different. You would’ve said yes, and I would never have to see you get hurt, or even risk the fact that we might not be able to see each other tomorrow. But sadly, I am not Rico.”

       With that, he turned and walked away, leaving me desolate and empty.


       “You’d better sleep, we won’t ever know how close the enemy is until we reach the plateau tomorrow,” Conrad chided, sitting beside me and pulling a black cloak over my shoulders. “Later, maybe,” I replied, observing the flames twitching as the wind blew harder.

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