Chapter 39 - Hearts Never Lie

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The Soul Pact moment is finally here~! Thank you so much for your time reading and voting!

We are eight chapters away from the end, so don't be too surprised if there are still so many unanswered questions because this is after all, a trilogy :D

What do you think will happen to Richard, Rosa and Conrad? Comment below ;) 

Also, do you guys like the flashbacks? I'm thinking of dedicating one entire chapter just for a cute little flashback, but hey :D

xoxo! - Svelyn


It started with a bath. Instead of a typical bath though, a few faerie ladies brought me to an underground waterfall, the beautiful natural chamber adorned with rock crystals still embedded upon stone. Light entered the cave from their several lanterns, the crystals reflecting the light to create an impressive view. It felt strange to be bathed in the presence of so many other people, but I couldn't say a word. They looked at me with a pleasant expression, staying quiet throughout the entire ordeal. Perhaps they don’t know the story behind our pact. 

Then they painted me long traces of lines and circles, sacred scrawling marks that they treated with deep respect. It flowed across my fingers, my stomach, my thighs, my forehead, creating a tattoo similar to the Sun. Only my right arm is left bare, an empty sheet of canvas compared to the abstract complexity of the rest of my body. They glowed a silvery-white sheen against the light, and the ceremonial dress itself felt uncomfortably revealing. It was made of a white strapless satin bodice that had a huge hole on my back, the long fabric crowding over my feet. It was difficult to run, but a huge cut allowed me some ease in walking. Together with the paint, I looked astonishingly different. I shivered against the cold.

My six helpers stood around me as they appraised their work. Satisfied, they led me across the tunnels and into a larger room. It was a wide hall, this time lighted up with so many flames that it did not seem dark or underground at all. The roots of the Treslean tree jutted from the wall, creating a masterpiece figure of a lion. The ceremony room. It smelled of gentle chamomile, a fountain at the center of the room. A bald man of medium height stood before the fountain, his head painted with more silver marks. Lenn stood a few feet before him, his lower body only covered with a draping white sheet painted in similar markings of glowing silver. He looked amazing still. I bit my lip as I remembered the events the other night. This is hell awkward. But to hell with awkwardness; this is all about saving Conrad’s life. 

At my entrance, he turned towards me and gave me a reassuring tilt of his lips, although they did not really touch his eyes. I took a shaky breath and followed the female priests forward, the silence unnerving. Behind, my senses could detect the same light footsteps of Queen Aora and perhaps a few of her scholars. Please let me get out of this alive. Without knowing it, I was now right beside Lenn, the coldness of the room slowly seeping into my skin. The other priestesses started a low chanting, the humming filling the vast emptiness inside me. Nodding, the head priest smiled and took a scoop of water from the fountain into a silver platter. He took a sip, passing it to Lenn to do the same and then to me. It tasted cold, so cold that it sent shivers down my back. I felt the slightest bit calmer, the liquid making feel the emptiness of my stomach. They had made me fast for a day. 

I bit down a gasp as I saw the next list on agenda - blood exchange. The silver bald man now held a blade of some crystal stone, sharp and light on his fingers. Lenn bowed before taking the dagger, slicing his left palm with ease. The blood dripped upon the next silver platter, some liquid now stained. He offered me the blade, and now realizing why my left hand was left empty of tattoos, made a similar incision. The wound stung. My heart started beating faster. This was really it.

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