Ryohei stood up and faced him "n-nothing happened to the Extreme !" He nervously laughed "its obvious that you are lying but I'll just ignore it" Kyoya glared and sat on the edge of the bed, Ryohei sighed in relief. Kyoya stroke Kyokai's hair and she woke up, she looked at him and smiled "how are you feeling ?" He asked "a little better" she sat up and hugged him, Ryohei gritted his teeth as he felt a little jealous "a-ah ! The others might have arrived ! I'll go see the door !" He smiled and left, they watched him leave "did something happen while I was gone ?" He asked her "hm" she shrugged "I want a kiss" she tugged on him "just one" he sighed and kissed her forehead, she smiled.

They stared at each other and rubbed their noses together, she rested her head on his shoulder and snuggled against him "Ano, excuse me" Tsubaki knocked on the door and came in carrying a trey "everyone already left since it's late, I made soup for Hayashi-chan" she placed the trey on the counter "hn" Kyoya nodded a thank you and she left.

Kyoya picked up the bowl of soup and blew on the spoon "open" he said "ah~" she opened her mouth and he fed her until the bowl was empty, he wiped her mouth and kissed her cheek "am I cute ?" She asked "you are" he patted her head, she smiled at his touch "it's late, you need to sleep" he made her lay down "c-can you sleep with me ?" She tugged on his sleeve "sure" he yawned and laid down next to her, she smiled and snuggled close to him.

Days passed and Kyokai felt a lot better, the end of the third year for Kyokai was near. She noticed Kyoya have been visiting Kisume and his parents more often, but she ignored it. She was exciting about graduation, it will be in two months.

As she was walking in the hallway, Ryohei came running and crashed into her which made them both fall. He winced and rubbed his head then noticed she was under him "ah I'm sorry to the Extreme, Kai !" He said "it's alright, but your heavy" she glared "oops" he got off her then helped her stand up, she cleaned the dust off her clothes "why were you running in the halls ?" She asked "actually, the whole school ! I've been running for an hour now" he said.

He watched her as she picked up her notebooks that were on the floor "how's your cold ?" He asked "oh it's fine, I guess" she shrugged "so you don't remember what happened ?" He said "what happened ?" She asked and flinched in realization "did I do something weird ?" She frowned "no, nothing !" He laughed "good" she sighed in relief. He took a deep breath and straightened up his back "the reason I was running, because I was looking for you" he said.

She frowned and started walking "why ? Do you need any help with your studies again ?" She smiled and he followed her, nervously scratching his pink cheek "I actually wanted to ask you something" he mumbled "what is it ?" She said "will you go out with me ?" He gave her a serious look. She suddenly stopped walking and looked at him "excuse me ?" She tilted her head "will you out with me to the Extreme ?" He repeated "did you bump your head or something ?" She raised a brow, he shook his head, she blinked as he cupped her cheeks "I like you, Kyokai" her eyes widen.

She lowered his hands "um.." she looked away "I'm not laughing" she mumbled "it's nothing to laugh about" he glared "I have been holding my feelings and jealousy since your dating Hibari, but I can't take it anymore" he told her in a serious tone, she flinched when he pinned her against the wall, trapping her between his arms, her eyes widen "R-Ryohei ?" She blinked.

He gritted his teeth and pressed his lips against hers, her eyes widen in shock "n-no !" She tried to push him "Kai" whispered and kissed her cheek "K-Kyoya will.." she looked away "I don't care about Hibari !" He glared and she flinched "I want you, I love you, I need you, I will even treasure you better than him !" He held her arms and kissed her again.

She clenched on his shoulders and tried to push him again, she just couldn't believe it. Her best friend got feelings toward her and she didn't notice, her boyfriend will get mad and she didn't know what to do or what to think about anymore. She managed to push him slightly to breath "Ryohei, this is really bad ! We shouldn't ! What if Kyoya saw us !?" She covered her mouth "I said I don't care !" She flinched "I don't care what happens to me if he saw me kissing you ! I Extremely love you, Kai !" He yelled "he kept on saying he loves me.." she thought as he kissed her again "it's really scary, I don't know what to do"

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