So we meet again? O_o

Start from the beginning

I lean into his chest and wrap my arms around his waist. He does the same and I lean my head up.

"what are we gonna do now?" I ask him

He leans his head down and kisses me. When he pulls back, he says,"I don't know"


The next day I went to school anxious. Taylon had called me the other night and said that he had a surprise for me. I just had to know what it would be. I couldn't wait any longer to see it. I just didn't know what it would be.

I finally find him in the music room with a guitar in his hand. He's not paying attention and he's turned opposite to the door. He stands up, so I creep up behind him and jump on his back.

"Hi!" I yell excitedly to him.

"you're weird Kylie" he says with a laugh "Really weird"

I laugh and say, "I know right?"

"So do you wanna get your surprise?" he asks

"Lemme think about that, YES!!!"

He laughs again and sets me down in a chair right next to the one he was sitting in. He picked up the guitar and started playing a really beautiful tune. I start smiling and he starts singing:

When I'm around you girl, my blood is racin'

And all this time it was your love I was chasin'

I wanna be around ya all day

all night

wrap you in my arms and hold you tight

I think my heart just might

explode from all this love I feel for you

I swear when I see you yeah, my heart skips a beat

When I walk with you I can barely stay on my feet

So I just wrote this song

I could sing it all night love

I just wanna say to you

Baby I really love you

(copyright2012By:Nitaya S. WIlliams)

Although I'm smiling I feel tears well up in my eyes.

"So what do you think?" he asked me

"It's beautiful I love it so much" I say. Then I get up and hug him.

"Thank you so much Taylon. I love you" I say

He hugs me back and rubs my hair, then says, "I love you too" 

"this is the nicest thing any guy has ever done for me" I say 

"really?" he asks excitedly 

"well kinda because your kinda my first boyfriend" I say, murmuring the last part 

"what did you say?" he asks smirking 

"I said you were my first boyfriend" I say murmuring again 

"Kylie c'mon just say it" he says 

I let out a very deep sigh and sheepishly say"Taylon, you're my first boyfriend"  

"really?" he asks me 

"yeah. The very first one. I mean I've been on dates and plenty of guys have asked me out but you're my first actual boyfriend" I ramble 

Did I mention that? Sometimes I ramble a lit and it's really hard for me to consentrate on what I'm doing if I'm just talking on and in and in and on and oh my gosh I'm doing it again.  

He laughs and says,"you're cute when you're nervous" 

"you're cute all the time" I say back

"I know right?" he said, joking

"Shut up I say", punching him in the chest.

"You know that it's true" he said back

I roll my eyes and we walk out of the music room in a romantic embrace. His arm around my shoulders, and mine around his waist. I see Kourtney, Jay, Ricky, and Maya walk past.

"Hey guys" I say to them

"Hey. SO is it official?" Jay asks in a cooing voice

"yeah" I say sheepishly

"OOOOOOOOOOOhhh! I knew it" they all say

I look at Taylon and he winks at me. 

"So, are you the handsome angel they call Taylon?" Maya asks him

"That's what they tell me" he replies smoothly

She smiles and I know she's interested. But, at the same time, she keeps her distance because she knows he's with me.

We talk for a while, then, the school bell rings, signaling the end of the day.

"Well, I guess we'll be seeing you guys around" Ricky says

"Yeah definitely" I say

We say our goodbyes and then I walk to Taylon's car. Only....It's not there.

"Where's your car Taylon?" I ask him

"It's not here" he says

"I can see that, but what happened to it?"

"I didn't bring it"

"Then how'd you get here?"

"Want me to show you?" 


He grabs my hand and we start running at lightning speed. I'm kinda used to this, but he runs way faster than me. 

In no time at all we're in front of my house. I open the door and we walk in.

"Dad?" I call out

"Dad?" I call again

I put my bag on the table, and I see a note.

Dear Kylie,

Sorry I'm not here. Emergency case. Must be there. Hope you understand.


"Well I guess we're on our own," I say to Taylon

I turn around and he's not there. Thinking he left already, I go up to my room. When I get in, he jumps from behind the door and scares the mess out of me!

"Taylon!" I yell

"What?" he asks, smiling

"What do you mean what? You almost gave me a heart attack!"

Without answering, he walks over to me and kisses me.

"Better?" he asks

"No. Actually worse"

He laughs and we sit on my bed. We talk and as I drift off into sleep, he's still there.


I tried to make this chapter longer than the others because most of my chapters are short, so I hope I succeeded. Please continue to read, and guys, I really want your feedback on my writing, so please leave comments.




SO I just checked how many pages it it, and it's only 2!!!!!!!!!! BUMMER!!!! I promise 2 try 2 make the next chapter longer.

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