Im not giving up on you, Geno

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Geno's POV

Honestly how more obnoxious can you get? It's one thing to wander into and AU where no one is present but to threaten to kill me and then just teleport away!? Some nerves. I stormed off away from the spot where I had met him just to let off some steam.  I kicked my legs around and shouted for a little before sitting down and contemplating life again. 'Maybe he was right' I thought. 'People do like to watch me suffer.'

No One's POV

Reaper sat at his desk thinking about whether he should go see Geno again and actually reap his soul considering Papyrus was extremely mad when he had told him he didn't reap his soul. He set his clipboard down and leaned back in his chair sighing. "Should I?" He asked the air while crossing his arms. As per expected he heard no reply. So he just sat there drifting off into a silent sleep.

Meanwhile Geno just thrashed around in the void still mad at Reaper. "Fucking piece of trash!" He yelled punching the air. "Why couldn't you just kill me!?" He snapped again falling to his knees letting a small tear flow from his eye socket. "I'm a useless welp. . ." He muttered falling face first into the ground. Geno slowly pulled the tattered piece of fabric off of his neck and hugged it tightly beneath him, just like the night he found Papyrus's dust in the snow. Only now it seemed to be colder, even though there was no snow. He had started to cry knowing he was never going to get brother back, he was never going to get his family back.

Geno had eventually cried himself to sleep after about an hour or so. At the same time he fell asleep Reaper had be woken by Papyrus slamming some paperwork onto his desk. "Have these done by Nine and handed to Life by Ten. . ." He told Reaper before leaving the room. Reaper grumbled something in audible before grabbing a pen and filling in every gap on the paper. Time flew by and Reaper had just managed to hand the forms in Five minutes before the deadline. He went to teleport back home when he remembered Geno. 'Poor guys is probably lonely' Reaper thought before shaking his head. "No I can't. If he is going to resist death, I want nothing to do with him." Reaper whispered clicking his fingers and teleporting home, well at least he thought he teleported home.

Geno woke up and looked around. Nothing. He sighed and wrapped the scarf around his neck. Geno rubbed his face and was shocked at how wet they still seemed to be. He sat up right and starred off into the far distance. There he saw a flash of blue Light, like when a Sans teleports. He narrowed his eyes to get a better look. It was Reaper. He wasn't holding his scythe and looked extremely confused. 'Weird' Geno thought.

Reapers POV

I clicked my fingers expecting to teleport home but instead I was back in this crumby place, the void. "Dumb fucking powers. . ." I muttered before looking around. I saw nothing for miles until I saw a figure in the distance. It glitched when we locked glances. He was wearing white clothing and had a red stripe right along his chest. 'Geno." I thought summoning my scythe. This time I did see him flinch, maybe he was afraid to die. I began to float off of the ground and soon enough I was flying over Geno once again stopping my scythe just before it hit his neck. Geno moved backwards and stood. "Here to actually kill me this time?" He asked rudely placing his hands on his hips. Before I could replied he opened his damn mouth again. "You know you looked extremely confused over there after you teleported and well if you intended to come he you would of set off straightaway. But you know sometimes magic can stuff up or maybe you just really wanted to come here but denied it so when you teleported you came here seeing as this is where you really wanted to go."

I jaw dropped as he said that. Sure that does happen but me really wanting to come here now that is way off. "No it's just-" "Just what?" "Nothing. . ." I sighed looking down and making my scythe disappear. "Well. . .?" He asked raising his arms. "No I am not going to reap you." I replied. He sighed and sat down. "I knew it. . .people like to watch me suffer." He whispered looking down. I saw one maybe two droplets fall and hit the ground. I sat down next to him, he scooted away so I scooted so I was beside him again. "Stay away from me. . ." He muttered scooting away again. "And why should I do that~" I cooed shuffling closer to him. "Because I can see stars!" He snapped whipping his head around.

My eyes opened wide as I saw pin pricks of years in the corner of his eyes. "Just leave me alone!" He yelled again jumping up and running off rubbing his tears away. I sighed. Why don't I feel like killing this guy. After all he has been on the reaping list for over two years. I looked up in the direction where he ran off. "I'm not going g to give up on you Geno.

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