Part 8

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Jax walked through the door to see a dismal room, the walls were dark grey, the floors were black, it was lit by four torches with deep red fire. There was a girl in the middle of the room and she looked hurt, Jax rushed forward and cradled the girl in his arms, "Hey are you okay?"
    She looked up at Jax with a devilish smile, and blood red eyes, her skin was cold and milky white, her hair was pitch black, and she smelled good but disgusting at the same time. She was beautifully repulsive.
    "Jax drop her!" Leon screamed and the girl looked at him.
    "Why do you trust that demon? He's using you like the past travellers, drop him." The girl said with a raspy whisper.
    "Demon..?" Jax looks back at Leon with confusion, "What is she talking about?"
    "She's a lying bitch! Don't listen to her Jax!!" Leon was getting mad quickly.

    I  just have to fool him a little longer and I can take his soul like the rest.

    "Leon take off your shirt." Jax said with a steely cold tone, he studied all kinds of monsters and beasts, everything has a different distinction mark, demons and shape shifters had it on their stomach and Jax knew that.
    "Jax no!" Leon looked panicked.
    "Leon I can't trust you, please just do it." Jax said sadly.
    Leon took off his shirt and Jax saw it, the blue mark on his skin above his bellybutton, he was a shapeshifter, a deceiver, a monster, a liar, Jax's enemy.
    Jax stood up and took out his swords sadly, "You.... You lied to me.."
He looked up with tears running down his face, "I trusted you..."
"Y-You lied to me. Your name isn't even Leon is it?" He was starting to get angry.
    "You're right Jaxon. My name isn't Leon, it's a weak name anyways. My name is Lazaro, I'm the one who followed you around all these years, I'm the one who bullied you, I was the one who murdered your girlfriend. I'm the one who destroyed your town. I'm the one you're after but you can't have me until the 17th floor, sorry kid." Lazaro disappeared and Jax screamed in anger and ran out of the room to the next floor, ignoring the beauty in the room he slashed into the beasts around him and cleared the floor quickly. In this moment Jax was the demon.

*On the 8th floor*

    Jax hadn't slept or stopped fighting for the past few days and he wasn't tired. All he was thinking of was beating these meaningless floors and killing that thing. Lazaro's words rang in Jax's ears like an echo except they just got louder, fueling Jax's anger, the only thing he felt was a fire in his chest as he continued killing these beasts.

    He walked through the 8th floor's door and sees nothing but a white light, suddenly he felt a pain in his chest, burning. He felt his shirt soak up the blood and he looks down to see an arrow sticking out, he rips it out and takes out his swords and slashes blindly at the shooter and eventually hits something and the light dies down to a small lantern. Jax looks around for the shooter and sees a man lying on the floor in two pieces, Jax had sliced through his shoulder and down diagonally and the end of the wound was an inch above this man's hip. It was a clean cut through him. He was dead.

    Jax continued through the tower without emotion. Slaughtering anything and anyone that got in his way, he trusted nobody. Occasionally he felt as if he was being watched but didn't mind because he thought it was just Lazaro

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