Part 9

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Jax reached the 15th floor and looked around at the room around him, it was a simple room, all wood, lanterns lit the room, there was a red carpet, and there was a faint growl from the other half of the room. The other half was pitch black and he could only see the light from under the door of the next room that would lead to a staircase going to the 16th floor.
    Jax started to fight the beast and ended up killing it quickly and effortlessly but hears something afterward, a little girl's voice.
    "The carpet used to be white.. It was so pretty but I killed the heroes, I love the beautiful red that comes from humans... I'm gonna eat you alive little hero."
    Jax prepared himself but fell to his knees and when he looked down he saw his stomach cut open, the source of the voice came out of the shadows, it had no face, a snakelike body, and arms that had long claws on the hands. She was the thief, she killed heroes and ate them and wore their face and stole their voice until she killed again.
    "I'M GONNA KILL YOU" Jax screamed, he felt no pain, only anger. He wanted nothing else but to make it to the 17th floor to avenge his loved ones.
    She laughed and slashed down and he sliced her arm clean off, she screamed in agony and he got up and attacked over and over, no mercy came from him as she screamed, begged for her life, and he just kept going.
    Even after she was dead he continued to attack her. She was only a pile of blood and meat and he still attacked her remains.

    He heard footsteps behind him and he nearly cut off Kai's head.
"J-Jax... It's me, it's Kai." He whimpered and hid behind his hands, "Please don't hurt me.."
    He lowered his swords and laughed, "I'd never hurt you Kai. Just them." He pointed at the pile of her remains.
    Kai stares at Jax and takes a deep breath, "The next room is a rest room, we can go there and make camp... I wanted to take care of you again before you died because I've heard about the 17th floor, I know who-"
    "I know who it is Kai." Jax says coldly.
    "I-I'm just trying to help you Jax.. I don't wanna lose you and since you won't stop I'm going with you." Kai speaks softly in nearly a whisper.
    "You can stay overnight then you leave okay?" Jax says in a cold tone.
Kai walks into the next room and starts setting up camp for the night and occasionally looks at Jax to make sure he doesn't leave him again.
    About an hour later Kai walks up to Jax and hands him a bowl of his favorite food, beef stew. "I thought you'd want this before tomorrow.. I know you clear two floors a day" He trails off and takes a breath, "Goodnight Jax, I'll see you in the morning.."
    Jax doesn't answer his friend or eat the stew, he sits and thinks until late at night, making sure he was ready, swords sharpened, armor repaired, potions stocked, he wanted to be 100% when he fought Lazaro. He drifts off to sleep and dreams of his past.

    "Come on Jax! I'm not waiting for you forever!" She yelled upstairs, I didn't expect her for another hour. I had just woken up and I was getting ready to go swimming at the creek. When I went down stairs she took my breath away, her hair rested perfectly on her shoulders and touched her waist, her eyes were bright today, her smile was contagious like always.. I was in love with her.
    "Okay I'm ready to go babygirl." I was always so loving towards her, so happy around her, she was perfection. I had the ring in my pocket, today was the day I was gonna ask her to be mine forever.
    We got there and she jumped in and I got the picnic set up and the towels out to dry us later, it was a beautiful day, the sun was out, the birds were singing, and it was hot. Perfect day for swimming.
    My back was to her for only a few minutes but when I turned around the smile on my face turned to horror, she was floating there.. Dead...
    I heard laughing but didn't see anyone, only my dead girlfriend.
"EMBER NO!" I screamed until my voice broke as much as my heart, I was destroyed inside, my heart shattered, the tears didn't stop coming, I was truly alone now... No family, no girlfriend, and no friends... I remember what she told me yesterday.. "If anything happens to me I want you to fight and never give up, beat this world for me, Jax"
And I will.

    Jax woke up sweaty and shaken up, Ember was on his mind, and he was crying again. He needed to go now. He got up and packed his things and started to walk away from the camp and the sleeping boy when he turned around to see Kai sleeping, vulnerable.
    "I'll stay until he wakes up.." Jax huffs.

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