Part 17

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After Jax and Kai reunited they were escorted to a big room with a bed, tubes, and a large machine hooked up to headgear.
"What are we doing here?" Kai was so curious to what would go on now.
"Now Jax goes along with the plan."
"I know I do.." Jax said
"What plan?" Kai was beginning to panic.
"Don't worry, I'll be okay"
"Promise?" Kai said with worry in is voice
"I promise."
"Say your goodbyes for now." A tall older man said.
"I love you, Kai."
"I love you too, Jax."
Jax got hooked up to the machine and layed down on the bed that was harder than a rock. Kai was frightened because all he could think of is Jax dying.
Jax smiled at Kai then went into the sleep of entering the game.
"I hope he's okay.." Kai whispered under his breath.

    Jax looked down at his fantasy body again and smiled at his old strength, "I'm ready."
    He gets up and looks in his inventory, a new sword, new armor, a new map, and a new item, he smiled to himself and equipped everything and looked at the mystery item. It looked as if it would be important but there was nothing to indicate what it was.
    He walked the streets taking in that he wasn't dead, he was back and stronger than ever. He was determined to beat this and save everyone, he will be the hero, he will be more than anything anyone thought he would be.

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