Part 12

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Kai ran up the stairs, he heard Jax's screams and he wanted to help. He peeked into the room and saw his worst nightmare. Jax was being carved into he was gasping for air, he was dying.
    I couldn't move, I was frozen, stuck watching the love of my life die. He wasn't able to breathe, that beast was enjoying it, laughing and cheering for Jax's blood. I heard his ribs crack from here.
    Then it happened... He died, burst into glimmering light. It sounded like glass shattering, Jax was gone. I was alone. I needed revenge.
    Kai ran into the room with tears in his eyes and attacked the beast blindly. He didn't care if he lived or died because Jax was gone and he wanted to be with him.
    Kai was knocked down easily and the beast let out a sigh and knocked him out.

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