chapter 1

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"Aw Energytail she's adorable, you're so lucky that you gave birth to her" said a voice. Shadowkit opened her brilliant green eyes. She opened her mouth, and yawned. She looked around in the nursery. Its huge, thought Shadowkit. She ended on looking at her mom, her mom is asleep. Her mom is a ginger she-cat, with blue eyes.

"Mommy?" Mewed Shadowkit in a softly way. She rubbed her nose up against her mothers cheek.

"Hello little young one" said a voice behind Shadowkit. She quickly turned around to see a large grey old she-cat. She had a big scar on her shoulder. Shadowkit gasped in curiosity. She tilted her head in confusion. At last she tilted her head so much, that she tilted and fell on her side.

"My name is Amethystscar, im the medicine cat" intruduced Amethystscar. Shadowkit made her eyes big of curiosity. Beside her, Energytail rolled on her other side, so Shadowkit was staring at her back.

"Mommy!" Shouted Shadowkit happily. She stod up on her four legs, and began crawling on the other side of her mom. When she was on the side, she lost balance and fell on the ground. Right infront of her mother.

"Well it seems like you're awake" said Energytail and yawned.

"She's fresh and healthy, she'll be a great warrior one day" said Amethystscar. Warrior, whats a warrior? Thought Shadowkit.

"Mommy, whats this warrior thing?" Asked Shadowkit, Energytail smiled bright.

"A warrior is what you are going to be, when you're done with your apprentice assesment" explained Energytail and laid her head down. Shadowkit turned her head against the hole in the bramble wall.

"Can i go outside?" Asked Shadowkit and looked back at her mom.

"Sweetie you've just woken up" mewed Energytail.

"Well i say the quicker she gets out there, the more she learns" said Amethystscar behind them. Shadowkit smiled and looked back at her mother once more.

"Okay fine, i suppose i could use a rest" breathed Energytail. She gave Shadowkit a sign with her tail that she could go. Shadowkit stormed out of the den, and outside. She closed her eyes a bit. The sun was burning hot and bright. Then her eyes jumped open. The camp was huge. Shadowkit saw two warriors sitting on a fallen tree, eating their fresh kill together. One of the cats were a blonde ginger cat, and the other was a red tabby. She walked out to the ground, where she saw the next thing. It was the fresh kill pile! Shadowkit looked at it, with honury. She went over to sniff a vole, it smelled fresh.

"What are you doing!?" A shortly bit high mew came behind Shadowkit.
She quickly turned around, ready to apolagize for whatever she's done.

" sorry...i didnt realize what ever i did and i...." she stopped, looking up on two well grown cats. One of the cats were a dark ginger, while the other one is black.

"Its alright" said the dark ginger tom

"We were just teasing" he said. They were both giggling and snortling.

"Cut it out, would you!" Snapped Shadowkit.

"My name is Bladekit, this is my brother Flamekit. Were going to be apprentices very soon" he intruduced.
Shadowkit didnt feel any shame for shouting at them. Shadowkit sighed.

"Im Shadowkit" she said and licked her chest.

"You're Energytail's kit right?" asked Flamekit. Shadowkit nooded.

"Cool! She's one of the strongest warrior she-cats" Said Bladekit.

"Mistfog is pregnat with Goldenstar's kits, and they'll be here soon" said Bladekit

"About time right. Mistfog is soon gonna move into the elders den" said Flamekit. Shadowkit werent really lisntening. She was still wondering what a warrior does and are.

"Hey i have an idea, we can show you around!" Said Bladekit. Shadowkit's eyes grew with exitement.

"Okay" she said and padded behind them. They walked over to the fallen tree that Shadowkit saw earlyer.

"This is the elders den. We come here often to hear about their stories from when they were young" said Flamekit.

"And over here we have the apprenticeses den, well be sleeping here in two moons" explained Bladekit. Shadowkit looked the other way.

"Hey, whats wrong?" Asked Bladekit and looked at Shadowkit.

"Whats that over there?" Asked Shadowkit and pointed with her nose, at a big bush.

"Thats the warriors den" said Flamekit. Suddenly the bushes were moving. Shadowkit crawled into a little chrouch, where she was ready to jump on what, who knows what, comes out and jumps on them. Bladekit and Flamekit were looking at each other. Out from the bush, came a red ginger tom out. That must be a warrior! Thought Shadowkit and followed the warriors gaze.

"Thats Ticcispeak also our dad, he doenst speak much, mostly because of his tics" explained Flamekit.

"It is such a shame. He's really nice when he talks to us" said Bladekit.

"And He's..a warrior, right?" Asked Shadowkit and looked at them.
"Of course He's a warrior" Flamekit lashed his tail at her. Shadowkit lowered her ears in suprise.

"Well, lets get this tour and end shall we?" Asked Flamekit and walked away. Bladekit and Shadowkit followed him.

Bladepaw and flamepaw walked into the clearing. Shadowkit ran them in meeting.

"How was the gathering?" Asked Shadowkit. It has been two moons since they first meet. Bladekit and flamekit had been made Apprentices, and been named flamepaw and Bladepaw. They have been to the gathering.

"It was very interresting. Sunclan is really low on prey, and there's only two Apprentices in training" explained Bladepaw. Shadowkit snorted a little.

"Why would you explain that to a little kit?" Exclained a voice. A she-cat with fur white as a cloud, with black stripes, was coming towards them. She was a little bit taler than the other two.

"Hello Furypaw" greeded Bladepaw.

"Hi, anyway Shadowkit, your mom wants to see you" she explained and lifted her tail in the direction. Shadowkit nooded and walked over to the nursery. Inside the nursery she saw her mom, like she was waiting for her.

"You wanted to see me?" Squiled Shadowkit.

"Yes sweetheart. Well you see... im expecting more kits" anounced Energytail. Shadowkit's mouth was open in surprise.

"Um... cool?" Stuttered Shadowkit

Warriors: A Warriors Quest. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now