Victor Criss (Part2)

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"Thanks for helping me the other day,"I say to the Losers,"I really appreciate it."
"No problem!"Richie says,"Pretty thing like you needs some protection."
"Y-you're welcome Y-Y/n."Bill says,  glaring at Richie."Beep Beep R-Richie."
"Yeha I'm fine,"I say with a blush,"I already got protection form Bowers."
"Aww who?"Beverly asks, sitting beside me.
"You'll never believe it."I say and they give me a weird look.
"Just tell us ,"Beverly says,"we're your friends."
Friends, I need them.
"Victor, Victor Criss."I say and Eddie gasps.
"Calm down eddie!"Stan says, patting his back.
"Actually He isn't that bad!"Ben says,"he never hurt me when Henry tried beating me up."
"But then again,"Ben says,"he never stopped it either.He Just egged on Henry."
"Yeah,"I say,"I don't know whether or not I actually-"
"Well well we'll..."Henry says walking up, with Belch and Victor close behind.
Victor sees me and instantly blushes, he looks down, scratching the back of his head.
I look back at Henry who is now pushing Bill to the ground.
"STOP!" I was going to say, but someone beat me to it.
"What?"Henry says, shooting a glare behind him.
At Victor.
"I said Stop,"Victor frowns," just because your dad does stuff like this doesn't mean you have to! They have NEvER dorm anything to you, EVER!"
"Can it Victor!"Henry yells as he gets in Victors face.
"No!You can it, asshole!"Victor yells, pushing Henry to the ground.
"Victor..."Belch says,"dude."
"Shut Up Belch! You were think the same thing!"Victor says, Henry gets back up.
"Listen pipsqueak-"
"No! You listen Henry! Next time I see you pick on these- those Losers I'll beat your ass!"Victor yells,"pipsqueak my ass! I don't flinch when I'm around my dad!"
Henry huffs, walking off. Belch follows Henry, they both leave.
Victor stays and walk up to him,"that was pretty ballsy."
He chuckles,"I guess so...I've been wanting I do that for a while."
"Th-thanks Victor!"Bill says, confused as ever.
"No problem, I'm sorry for all the shit I've put you guys through. None of it was ever worth it."Victor says, looking up at the group.
"Well,"Eddie says,"Welcome To the Losers Club."
Victor smiles, we all sit down and talk.
Victor is beside me, he pokes my cheek.
"Yeeees?"I ask playfully, turning  face towards him.
  "Do you wanna hang out alone now?"He asks,"I really wanna talk to you."
"Uh, Yeah sure."I say, I turn to the rest of the group.
"I'll see you guys later!"I say waving at them, they wave back.
"S-see you l-later!"Bill says waving.
Victor and I walk down a dirt path, leading who knows where.
"You're beautiful,"Victor says pushing a limb away from his face,"you really are."
"Thank you,"I say smiling,"you're very handsome."
He chuckles,"I really really like you Y/n..."
"I like you too."I say, I really do.
  "Well,"He says walking closer to me,"want to make it official?"
I don't give him an answer,but I look straight at him.
I lean in a kiss his lips, our lips mold together.
We kiss for sometime before having to pull away and breath.
"So,"He says,"it's a yes..?
"Totally!"I say and we laugh, we hold hands and he walks me home.
We get up to my front door and he stops me,"I am so glad you said yes."
"I really Victor."I say and he smiles.
"Now that we're dating I can do this,"He says as he kisses me for a few seconds,"Whenever I want."
"So can I!"I say pecking his lips and telling him goodbye.
An end to the perfect day.
Hi, hope you're liking my book!!
Some fanfics should be here later today or tomorrow...
I'm going to a Quinceañara tomorrow and I'm excited!! I've never been to one and yyyeeaaah... if I I've been to one or had one please comment!! I'd like I hear from you guys!!
Byyyeee Losers

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