Ben Hascom

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"Her eyes,
Like crystals, maybe the ocean
Are the endless space
I want to get lost in."
I read the note that was slipped into my locker, on a Thursday.
I take the note, running to my next class .
I run and sit in my seat, next to Beverly Marsh. She's my bestfriend, we are inseparable, wherever I am she is. I still have the note in my hand as the bell rings throughout the whole school.
"Bev! Look at this note that was in my locker!"I say as I hand her the note.
I watch as she reads it, he face obviously focusing on understanding the poem.
"Damn,"She says quietly,"that's deep."
"Yeah I know...I wonder who wrote it though."I say as she passed the note back.
********Skip Class
"Hey boys!"Bailey says walking up to Bill Denbrough and the rest of the Losers.
"H-hey Bailey!"Bill says giving her a side hug.
Jealously rages in Ben's body and he gets red in the face.
Ben walks over to Bailey and hugs her," Hey Bailey nice to see you!"
Bailey is a little surprised by his actions, she ain't complaining though. She actually likes Ben, they read together at the Library a lot.
She hugs back, " Hey Benny Boy!"
He gets happier when she says his nickname, only she falls him that.
As they stop hugging, Richie opens his mouth,"for a second there I thought you guys weren't ever gonna let go."
Bailey rolls her eyes," Beep Beep Richie!"
"Eddie spaghetti!"Richie screams, running behind Bailey.
"Richie you know I hate that!"Eddie says as Richie gives him a side hug.
Wow Richie get really excited, literally everyone thought.
  "Hey guys, guess what!"Bailey says as she reaches in her pocket, to pull out the note.
"W-what?"Bill asks, adorably stuttering.(A/N:I actually stutter in real life and it's a pain)
She pulls out her note and gives it to him,"someone left me a note."
Ben starts to listen and he peeks up.
"Wow..."Bill says passing it to Richie.
Richie's eyes go wide and he says nothing, shocked he seems.
Eddie tears up at the end,"this is really good."
He passes it back to Bailey.
"Do you wanna read it Ben?"Bailey asks and Ben shakes his head.
"I don't need to."He says and bailey goes silent.
" wrote this?"She asks, he nods.
"Yes I did. I really like you! I love your bright blue eyes and your long brown hair! I even love you when you're depressed. You're beautiful now, yesterday, you'll be beautiful tomorrow, god you're even beautiful when you cry. But I hate seeing you cry."Ben says and Bailey tears up,"I-I think I'm love with you."
Bailey engulfs him into a hug and lays her head on his shoulder,"I love you Ben!"
"And that's how I met your mother!"Ben says I his two children.
Here is another chapter, and also
I feel like Ben and Mike don't get enough appreciation!! Like almost everyone leaves them out and sometimes it angers just sayin
Byyyyeee Losers

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