Patrick Hockstetter

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{Yee yee}
{{Y/n: your name
Y/h/c: your hair color
Y/e/c: your eye color}}
Y/n was beautiful,  y/h/c that shines in the sun. Their perfect y/e/c eyes and the way they squint them when they laugh.
"Perfect." Your crush says as you approach.
"Perfect." You say as your bully walks up to you.
Patrick Hockstetter, your bully, your crush, and your neighbor.
"H-Hey y/n."He says, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"Well..."You say, trailing off at the end.
"Could I... could I take you out on a date?"He asks, his cheeks were really red.
"Um... i-Uh- sure yeah why not..?"You say, in a questioning tone.
"You don't sound too sure,"He says looking down,"I get it if you don't want to. I've always been mean to you, even when your mom died. Sorry about that also, even though it wasn't my fault. I just..."
"I'll go out on a date with you!"You say, he smiles so wide.
"I'll pick you up at your place,tonight."He says walking backward, You nod.
  You heard a knock at your door, Patrick! You run down your stairs, already dressed and ready. You open the door and leave, not even saying goodbye to your dad. Who was already asleep upstairs, lonelier than you.
Once you close the door, Patrick looks you up and down.
"You are so beautiful."He says, almost breathless.(handsome if you're a guy..?)
You blush deeply,"thank you Patrick."
He takes your hand and guides you to his car, opening your door for you. He gets in and starts the car, driving you to a drive-in movie theater.
"What movie is it?"You ask as the movie starts rolling.
"Um, i think A Nightmare On Elm Steet 5."He says blank faced.
"Oh."You say, you hate horror movies, hate hate hate them!
"It's Okay, I'll be here to protect you."He says and you guys scoot closer to eachother.
***********TIME A SKIPPY
You're really involved in the movie, even talking to the characters as if they could hear you.
"No don't you-" You say as one of the characters does something dumb.
"You know, it's cute when you do that." Patrick says as you look at the screen.
You look over at him, his face illuminated by the projector screen.
"I'm really not,"You say," I'm not attractive at all."
"Wha- you so are! You are the most amazing and beautiful person ive ever met!"He says, looking deep into your eyes. (Again handsome for guys)
We just stare into eachother eyes, slowly leaning in.
We kiss, sending electricity throughout my body. His lips are softer than they look, they are perfect. We kiss for only seconds but it feels like hours.
"T-that...was amazing..."He says as he catches his breathe for a little.
"Did...did you feel the electricity too?"You ask and you see him light up, smiling wider than ever.
"Yeah, best thing I've ever felt!"He says, he grabs your hand.
You guys watch the rest of the movie, cuddling closer and holding hands.
*****sorry for so many time skips but you aren't missing much!!*****
Patrick pulls up in your driveway, even though he lives next door. He gets out and opens your door, and helping you out. He walks you to your front door, he looks so handsome.
"You looked amazing tonight,"He says,"Well you look amazing everyday know what I mean."
You giggle, he chuckles- something you never hear from him.
You both stare into eachothers eyes again, leaning in slowly.
You kiss, the same electricity going throughout your bodies. Even stronger than before too.
"Y-y/n, will you be my Girlfriend(or boyfriend)?" He asks, you smile.
"Yes, I will."You say, pecking his lips.
So...was that good?
I've never thought about writing about Patrick, even though he is a character!!
But make more requests because sometimes I have no ideas!!
And ily guys!!! Thanks for like 5K!!!
That means so much to me!!!
Byyyeee Losers

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