RANT{Not important really}

853 10 19

I'm legit sorry but I have to say this.
You know what's weird to me?
When I woman with children, that is over 30 is reading fanfics about teenage boys... I'm sorry but that freaks me out a little bit...
Like you know that they are like 13-15 right?! And you are 30-38?!?!
It just makes me uncomfortable...like I get it they are cute and some are attractive, but god you care 20 years older than them...
I mean I'm they're age and of a grown woman or man was reading fanfics about me where we kiss, I would be a lil creeped out...
I'm sorry but I had to get this out of my system...
I mean seriously though...
Am I the only one that is weirded out by this??

IT/ IT cast oneshots Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt