Henry Bowers

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"Patrick, please don't do this!"I scream as Patrick digs in his pocket.
"Oh you've had this coming! Slut!"He yells, holding my up against a tree by my neck.
"Please please please..."I plead but he shows no mercy.
Henry Bowers emerges from the bushes, an angry look on his face.
Patrick doesn't see him, Henry puts a finger to his lips. I trust him and keep quiet, Patrick looks down at me.
Patrick chuckles,"guess what I'm gonna do after thi-"
Henry punches him and he lets go of me, falling to the ground. Henry goes to hit him more but Patrick is already knocked out cold.
I grab Henry's arm,"it's not worth it."
He looks down at me, he frowns.
"Why? He hurt you!"Henry says, he looks at you neck.
A bruise is left from how tightly Patrick held your neck,"i-i don't know what you're talking about."
Henry looks at Patrick, then back at me, as if deciding what to do next.
He grabs my hand and leads me,"Come with me."
I follow him, afraid he'd kill me if I didn't. Even though he saved me from Patrick, he's still Henry Bowers.
And Henry Bowers wasn't all that great to me.

He took me to his house, and drug me inside. He took me to the bathroom and made me sit down, while he looks for something.
"Found it!"He says,grabbing something from a cabinet.
He turns around with a first aid kit in his hands, and opens it and pulls out a bunch of stuff.
"This might hurt."He says, as he dabs an alcohol pad on my cheek.
I wince,"Ow!"
"I'm sorry!"He says, taking it away from my face.
He puts a bandaid on my cheek and helps me up,"you should be good now."
"Thanks Henry, I really appreciate it."I say and I begin to walk, but I trip on the first aid kit.
I fall and Henry catches me, we're face to face now.
He looks into my eyes, I look into his.
We stare deeply at eachother, slowly leaning in.
We kiss, his lips softer than they look.
He pulls away,"I-Uh- that was-"
"Good."I say, finishing his sentence.
He nods," really good."

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