Finn Wolfhard

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"Tatum come on! It's just a week!"Sophia says, begging me to see her.
"Soph i told you I'll see, but right now a plane ride might be too risky!"I reply, my anxiety attacks are becoming a usual these days.(ya same)
"Wait we're shooting about 2 hours from you next week, I think we could pick you up!"She says with excitement in her voice.
"Really? I'll go ask!"I say as run to my parents room.
*****************TIME SKIP(Yee yee)
"Sophia I can't find you."I say into the phone, she laughs.
"Turn around!"She says and hangs up. I turn around to see her and a couple of  guys, we run into each others arms.
"Soph! I haven't seen you in person for so long!"I say, hugging her tightly.
"I know! I missed you best friend!"She says, squeezing the breathe out of me.
"Okay okay, you don't want to kill her!"I hear someone comment from behind us, I turn around.
"Oh-oh wow..."I say as I look at all of them.
Jaeden Lieberher from The Book Of Henry, Wyatt Oleff From freaking Onve Upon a Time(yes I remember!!), Jack Grazer who is going to be on Me,Myself, and I and...
Finn motherfucking Wolfhard....
I don't even have to explain him...
"Wow you guys are soooo famous."I say as I breathe from the hugs.
"Well,"Jaeden starts," welcome to the Losers Club!"
"Soph, WhAt is he talking about?"I ask and she smiles.
"Surprise!"She says,"we're filming a new It movie..."
"Oh...oh wow."I say and Finn giggles.
"You say that a lot."He says with a smile, I laugh.
"It's a habit."Sophia says with a smirk.
"Well let's head out!"Wyatt says as he gets my bags.
Jack goes to help him, what gentleman!
******************Time Skip(yeemo)
I take back what I said earlier, they are not gentleman.
Jack has burped the alphabet 4 times, Wyatt and Jaeden are making very Inappropriate jokes towards-ahem-things, but Finn sat there quietly.
I mean they're all extremely fun and cool and nice but boys can also be gross.
We arrive at where they are staying and Sophia shows me to our room, it's pretty.
"That's what I have to deal with, but I wouldn't trade them for anyone else."She says, I nod my head in agreement.
"I noticed you eyeing a certain someone,"She says,"care to explain?"
"Hm? Who?"I ask, completely oblivious to her question.
"You like Finn don't you?"She asks, I blush violently.
"Awww!!! You do!"She says and then Jack runs in, he tell Sophia something.
Sophia looks at me with a devilish smirk and pulls me into the boys' room.
She pushes me and Finn into a closet and locks the door,"You know what to do!"
I look at Finn,"Well I'm Tatum and I know you're Finn Wolfhard."
"Heh...I know your name."He says with a smile.
"Well, do you know what this is about?"I ask and he blushes red.
"N-no! What are you t-talking about?"He asks, defensive much?
"I was just asking."I say and he sighs.
"I didn't mean to be such a dick, I do know why but I don't want to tell you." He says with his face in his hands.
"It's fine you don't have to be embarrassed or anything."I say quietly, more of a mumble really.
"I like you," He says,"I followed you a long time ago and I just liked you from there."
"Oh...oh wow."I say and he laughs,"I like you too."
I said it so fast and quiet it took him a minute, cause I sure as hell wasn't gonna repeat it.
"Oh..." He says,"That actually makes me happy."
"Makes me happy too."I say and he walk over to me, we've been standing this entire time.
He looks me in the eye and I look into his, he leans in and we kiss.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"He asks.
I nod,"Yeah!"
I was gonna make them make out but I get awkward st that yeah...
Anyways, I had a full weekend and I might be going to see IT again next weekend...I'm excited though lol...
I have to save the world of Fanfiction, jk I write terribly..
Byyyee Losers!

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