Sugar Rush (S)

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TW: Fluff and Crack

"Ryth! Wait what are you -"

The mage didn't stop to wait and listen. His entire body was jittery and he moved quickly from the study where a half full bag of candy was laying on the table.

"Rythian!" He could hear Lalna behind him, his voice confused and slightly concerned.

Rythian paused, tapping his fingers against the wall quickly. He spoke nearly as quickly as the beat on the wall making the wide eyed blond staring at him even more confused. "What do you want Lalna I need to do something and I need to do it now or I might just -."

"Rythian..." Lalna put his hands up as though talking to a scared animal. "Relax...please?" He glanced at the room they had just left as Rythian was fiddling with a ring on his finger the center gem shifting from a red to a blue. "I've...never seen you act like -."

"Excited? Hyper? Energized? Neither have I it's fun. You know what I think I'll go talk to Ridge. We haven't seen him in a while anyways and I want to ask him a few questions." Lalna's eyes widened as Rythian brushed past him and out the door to the castle. The mage fiddled with the ring on his finger again before taking off and flying into the sky.

"Rythian! What are you – it takes two days to get there flying! Just message him and he'll..." Lalna groaned, rubbing his eyes slightly. He moved back to the study and grabbed the half bag of candy with a frown. He looked over one of the pieces in it – a gummy worm. His eyes narrowed before putting it into the bag and carrying it to his lab. "There had to have been something in this stuff...there's no way Rythian would have acted like that otherwise..."


Rythian was moving quickly. Everything was tingling and the air blew past him. He couldn't help but almost giggle with the energy that was going through him. The world was a blur below him and his body was moving faster than he could quite recognize. A soft golden wooded castle was floating ahead and he felt himself move faster and fly through a window. He landed on the open window frame, watching – tapping his fingers on the frame – the room below him. The long royal maroon coated man was circling around a table, his hands behind his back.

"...she's there." He shook his head. "Have to ask her when she decided to move again...wait are those...pirate -." He rubbed his eyes. "Of all things..." He sighed, moving a large piece by where he was standing around the table – a number of other pieces scattered around the room. He pulled out a tablet. He typed quickly, mumbling to himself. "One...order of...swords...and fish...coming up." The piece disappeared into the board as a figurine of what looked like Lomadia moved toward where the other had shrunken down.

Rythian watched him move around the table, continuing motions similar to that. His finger tapping growing faster and faster, looking around the room quickly.

Ridgedog stopped, frowning at the familiar castle and bent down. "Rythian...? Where are -." He stood up looking around the map and blinked at a floating figure that was up in the air. "What are you doing up there...?" He pulled his tablet out and began typing.

Rythian – having lost his patience – hopped from the window and flew quickly to the table at the center. Ridgedog yelped, nearly tossing his tablet across the room. "Rythian! Don't do that! You nearly gave me a heart-."

"You don't have a heart can I have some tea? I need some tea. Do you have tea?" Rythian hopped off the table and moved around the table looking at the moving figures. "Is this how you watch us? It's curious. Connects to the tablet you use?"

"Uh..." Ridgedog blinked quickly. "Rythian? Are you....are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Just need some tea. Tea sounds really good." The mage's quick speaking hadn't slowed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2017 ⏰

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