Love Someone Else (S)

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TW: Demon!Rythian

The circle was all set. Everything was a neat as it was ever going to be. Building this room had taken much too long and Lalna was frankly annoyed at how intricate the symbols had to be. Nano seemed to be able to do this so easily. Why couldn't he? It could be down to the fact that he still has his large electrical gloves on from earlier when he was tinkering with the wiring of the compound. He totally didn't keep them on because of the fact that the flux was starting to spread there too. Not at all...

When he had finally finished he flew up to inspect his work, twiddling with his jetpack straps. He had a vague memory of a different method of flying that didn't require a reliance on electricty, from a long time ago, but the wings were a nice aesthetic touch. The circles were all semi-perfect, keeping their general supposed shape but wavering from time to time. He felt as if it represented him somehow.

Getting into witchery was something Lalna never expected to do, but he took it upon himself to understand what his apprentice was learning about so that he could then become better than her at it. What was an apprentice's job if not to learn from a master? He can't have her knowing more than he does and upsetting this universal balance.

He finally had everything that he needed, bar a demon heart. Those things were annoying and very hard to get hold of, if you didn't have bear traps. It seemed a touch like cheating, with the battle being over within a few seconds of mindless slashing rather than an actual battle. Demon hearts were needed for so many things the more that he learnt that he needed just a way to farm them. He never really spared a thought towards what he was summoning, seeing them more as livestock rather than actual things. The book that Nano had given him said that demons were once people, but had given themselves over to darkness, whatever 'darkness' was. Lalna just huffed nonchalantly when he read that and continued with what he was doing.

Everything for the summoning was placed into the circle, the ender pearl, both attuned stones, some refined evil (which gave Lalna an uneasy feeling, something he would never admit), and some blaze powder. Finally, he checked his altar, making sure everything was still in place and Dinnerbone (that poor animal) hadn't knocked anything off of it again like he had done several times in the past. Finally content with everything, Lalna touched the central sigil and felt the power from the altar flow through him into the circle. The foci, as the items were apparently called (Lalna hated all of these fancy words, he already had enough science to remember without having new thing clutter up his mind), were absorbed into the magic, acting as the conduit for the heavy magic that was about to happen.

Lalna flew up again to observe the magic taking place. It was still beautiful to see despite seeing it so often. Everything felt electric and calm at the same time, like the ocean preparing for a storm. He couldn't deny that it was an amazing feeling and he understood why Nano loved it so much. He didn't love it enough to exchange it for science, though, that was too precious to him.

A purple cloud started to appear in the middle of the circles, pulsing with magic and electricity. Lalna drew his sword, proud of the craftsmanship that he had displayed. It was a great weapon that suited his fighting style perfectly for the moment, light and fast, giving enemies lots of tiny nicks to weaken them before going in for the final blow. Lalna swung it around a few times, appreciating the balance, whilst a figure started to materialise in the fog. Lalna dove in as soon as he saw a solid shape through the haze but stopped when he heard... screaming?

Sword still raised, Lalna paused to see a cowering but semi-familar figure standing before him. The demon's lanky arms were pulled around it's head but it had bandages around their knuckles. A scarf was whipping in what remained of the ethereal wind the cloud seemed to summon and had two very familiar eyes staring at the scientist.

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