Confrontation (N)

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TW: Smut

~Chapter One: The Nuke

Rythian: Rythian frantically searched his inventory for the weapons, his flying ring, his Archangels Smite, his fire ring. This time it was too much, he wasn't going to let that fat ginger bastard get away with it again. Just imagining Lalnas smirk as he heard the explosion was enough to make him want to kill someone. Zoey watched him anxiously, pleading him not to do it but to no avail. He wasn't having it. Time and time again Lalna had exploded, set fire to, nuked his work, but this was not okay. He worked so hard to get all those materials, the stacks upon stacks of shards, warded jars full to the brim with essences, multiblock structures filling the room, supplemented with hoardes of golems, and Lividcoffee found it. He built so far underground, put up with void fog and creepers and cave spiders, not seeing the light of day for weeks in the sole hope that Lalna wouldn't find it, and he did. Anyone else would have taken a few supplies, left a sign just to mess with them, but not Lalna. He planted six nukes inside his base, and covered the floor in glass pressure plates. Rythian and Zoey just got away in time to see the last few weeks work be blown sky high. Thank Notch he'd kept his most valuable items in his inventory, he had some protection. Digging into the ground, he told Zoey to hide until he returned, planting a soft kiss on her forehead. Despite this gesture, Zoey was like a daughter to Rythian, their relationship had never been one of romantic intent. Zoey just stared back, bright green eyes wide as he retreated and flew into the air towards Duncan's Castle, his cape flying backwards, hair ruffled by the gusts and purple eyes ablaze with fury as the gauzey scarf which covered the lower half of his face was flush against him showing the contours of his mouth and nose. As he neared the castle he considered hiding and surprising Lalna, but decided against it. He would not sink to the Scientists level. He would take him on one on one, no plots, no secrets, just man on man action.

Lalna: Lalna chuckled as he heard the faint boom as his nukes detonated. Maybe now Rythian would pay him the attention he craved. Since he first met the intriguing man with the glowing purple eyes he had wanted him. Lalna had had crushes before, but nothing like the deep intensity of desire that surrounded Rythian like a fog cloud. Time after time he had tried to tempt Rythian to come to his castle and 'confront' him, but every time he had never given him the satisfaction. Lalna didn't care if nothing physical came of the encounter, but he would make for hella sure that Rythian never forgot it. Looking at the clock, he started to estimate how long it would take for Rythian to make an appearance. He had purposely incorporated a redstone delay ensuring he would have time to escape with his weapons, meaning he had, oh, perhaps 20 minutes before Rythian arrived at the castle, taking into consideration the time to fly here as well as how long it would take for him to subdue Zoey sufficiently to justify his visit. Ever since he had met him Lalna dreamed of receiving his attention, vivid dreams about encounters with the scientist waking in a hot sweat, the intensity of his fantasy apparent in the warm mess on his bedsheets and boxers. Every day he dreamed of ways of bringing him to his castle, provoking him to attack his base until it consumed his very being. This had left the realms of love and moved onto obsession, and obsessions are dangerous. Obsessions keep you up at night, wire your brain and fry your nerves.

Rythian: As he strode towards the massive castle doors, the spires of the towers looming menacingly above him, the huge node suspended in the sky like a bauble on a tree, the faint scent of damp and moss and grease tainting the air, Rythian refused to be intimidated. He banged open the castle double doors, taking pleasure in the sharp sound as they hit against the castle walls either side and rattled on the hinges. Despite being the more slender of the two men about to face eachother, Rythian was at least half a head taller and with his flowing robes and scarred face, was by far the most intimidating. Despite this, Lalna was not to be underestimated. His wide scientific knowledge meant he possessed such weapons and devices to cause server-wide destruction. With just one flick of a lever Duncan could detonate a dark-matter explosive that would destroy the entire world, with a click of a trigger he could teleport his foes to the moon and with it the surrounding area, killing them and destroying the entities. He was a force to be reckoned with, but like Rythian he was not invincible. Everyone has a weakness, a pressure point, a little pluck to be pulled and picked until they unravel. For Rythian, this was Zoey. He had a father-like protectiveness and more than once had put his own life in danger for the girl with the robotic arm Rythian had so lovingly crafted for her following an accident in Rythians tower. Since the accident he would barely let her out of his sight, and if he did it was never without the companionship of Tee, a mutant creation of Sjins, cast off homeless. But allowing his mind to wander was something Rythian just couldn't do. Wiping his mind of all thoughts of Zoey and Tee, Rythian honed in on where Duncan was likely to be. Focusing in on the top of the tower, Lalna's 'lair', Rythian started to run up the stairs as if his feet were hardly touching the ground. Despite his hatred, Rythian did have a deep curiosity in Lalna. He prided himself on being able to see through most people's plans, but the strawberry-blonde scientist confused him. The very reasoning for his constant schemes and destruction mystified Rythian, but again he was becoming distracted, and so he blanked his head and concentrated on getting to the top of the stairs.

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