Drabbles Come In Threes (S~N~S)

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TW: First one, totally sfw. Second, nsfw containing sexually charged scenes, and third one contains slightly possessive behavior. 

Those on skates raced faster than the ticking timer, pushing every ounce they had left to make their stand. Raw energy filled the air as once cool silence bubbled out of control in the final count down. Ten seconds to go and the audience was out of their seat, on their feet, cheering mixes of words that transformed sound into pure power. Those posted on the benches, penalty boxes and coaches a like as well had already leapt to their feet in preparation, counting along with the distinguished roar of the crowd.

The last moment was up, the buzzer to cue the end could not even remotely match the volume of the people who cried out. Players flooded the ice, equipment flew as they all merged to form a ball rather than a circle of congratulatory excitement. Helmets had been ditched and their sticks scattered along whenever they had been dropped, finding new places along the frozen turf.

One audience member, his winter coat left on the bench behind him and his cheeks blazing in the chill of the stadium, couldn't stand his own isolated celebration. Bounds down the steps and hurdling over the boards he planted his feet to the ice. Even with his lack of appropriate foot wear he took lightening speeds to haul himself across to the joyous pile of teens.

At the edge of the shinning faces, glossed both with sweat and smiles, he could see his focus begin to trek to meet him. He glided faster than the boy without a coat, assisted by skates still tight to his feet but his vitality could not over power. They collided with little care about their smashing velocities, arms and hands clutching to the other as the fading momentum moved them.

There was no time for words as the taller of the two with only one glove free hand pulled at the blonde hair in front of him, like his reward for the last three goal assists was purely for the feel of the locks. The attention receiver couldn't contain an energetic laugh, pouring out in fresh light billows as he expelled everything he had held pent up over the entire game.

Lips meeting was within their next minute of their reunion. The chill in the air and the heat of their pressing faces linked together, driving each to desire the better comfort, clinging tighter than they possibly could. With the blades still to his feet the taller led them back, unwilling to break the kiss, winding a path backwards to the familiar team.

"Rythian, you were amazing..." The fan who never missed a chance to watch by the sidelines mumbled out his praise like it came with a natural breath. "So amazing..." His back found the boards next to the raving huddle of teammates of the left-center player who hands were encouraging the other's hips to lift.

"It helps when I have you cheering for me..." No strain and hardly any effort and legs were up around his waist, "You're the amazing one Lalna." He spoke directly into the smiling lips, mumbling his words as he sought to stamp them on the soft skin. His skates slipped on the ice, struggling to keep the center of his weight still to continue pinning Lalna. "You coming with the team for the celebration?" Rythian's breath climbed more degrees, scarcely being caught in a visual form.

His nose into the sturdy material laced shoulder and Lalna fought find enough breath. "Of course... of course." The repetition sank into the exposed middle of Rythian's neck, spiking more sensations to trickle down. "God... winners of city finals. How's it feel?"

Rythian's throat clicked as he swallowed the thought. Fading nerves forced his stomach to bounce a laugh along with it all. "I don't feel any different." He inhaled the crisp air around them, finishing the instinct in a warm kiss.

"Do you get a trophy? A medal?" Lalna didn't vocally acknowledge his gradual slide down the silk boards, only closed his eyes, feeling a panicked knee boost him back up. Damp lips pressed gently under Lalna's chin, inciting it lift, giving Rythian more area to work. The attention on his Adam's apple caused a pause in his thought, as he focused on the single point Rythian held his mouth to. The rumble he pushed through his chest to find words hardly cleared his mind. "They have to give you some kind of bragging right to show you kicked ass today."

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