Settlers Of Fuck You (S)

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TW: Random!AU

Thursdays were game night.

Fiona, Zoey, Rythian, and Nano were all there. Since it was Lalna's turn to host it was also his turn to pick. There was one game he had that no one could beat him at.


Settlers of Catan. He had gotten it three years ago for his birthday from Nano herself, and since learning how to play, he had become the best at it. They rolled to see who would pick their color first.

Fiona selected red, Nano chose white, Lalna got the orange, and Rythian was left with blue.

Fast forward ten minutes.

"You have all the fucking clay resources! How am I supposed to trade wheat for brick when I don't have a brick resource?" Lalna shouted, flabbergasted with Rythian, yet laughing at the predicament he found himself in.

"Booooooyyyss," said Zoey, who had opted to cheerlead Fiona, "Relax."

Her words went unheeded as Rythian locked eyes with Lalna. A smile played on the edges of his lips as he responded, "You have a port. You can trade wheat for bricks."

Lalna's eye twitched as he realized that Rythian was just playing with him. He tossed his cards down and crossed his arms, trying to hide his grin. "Settlers of Catan. More like Settlers of Fuck You."

Rythian's ever unreadable face stayed focused in on Lalna's deep green eyes.

His contrasting blue eyes flicked down to his hand. "After the others leave, sure."

Lalna discovered that then was the wrong time to drink water. He coughed, simultaniously spraying water all over the board and choking.

Nano mouthed "wow" to Fiona, who snorted.

"Ca-can I just have some bricks?" Sputtered out Lalna, blushing and pounding his chest with his fist in an attempt to knock out the water.

"I'll take either two sheep, or an hour alone with you."

Nano's layed her head in her hands, mumbling "Oh my God."

Credit to Inventor Benny on tumblr

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