Sweet Cyanide (N)

552 11 1

TW: Anal Sex, Come eating

That soft hue rubbing against his skin, it's ensnared you again. He didn't even mean for it to happen, not like the countless other times his blush has been under your tongue. He simply wore it, let himself breathe in it and you can't help but want to rip it from his flesh.

You watch his chest rise, like a predator waiting for his eyes to slip close. Catch him off guard; take what you've been craving. The pink fabric moves across him, and it burns you. You think that you should feel guilty when you fantasize digging your nails into him. As drool collects around your teeth you almost wonder if you should apologize for the limitless different ways you picture him panting, moaning, and begging for you.

He turns to you when you approach him; the quick twist of his neck slams his precious light hair into his cheeks. You can feel your fingers twitch, correction, your entire skeleton twitches. The vibrations sent down your bones are practically painful, and it itches, like bugs under your skin.

Your tongue slips out, whether it is accidental or not you don't care, you only want it to meet with his salty skin. His eyes grow wide; you can almost visualize his thoughts behind them. He's realized he's prey, and you love how he tries to make himself seem small.

He could be trying to deter you, avoid you, but you know it's for your hunger. You read it in his eyes, a surprise, but he's peckish too.

His teeth break out into a sheepish smile and you stretch your hands. The innocent face he gives, it drives a surge through you, animalistic and needy. You want, need, to wipe the look from his face. His blonde hair tempts you to pull it from his roots and crash your body with his. Your nails slide down his cheek without your permission, but you keep the greedy fingers from pinching to pull his blood flow.

The noise he makes, it's insufferable. He's torturing you and he knows it. His voice breaks and you dream how it would be to break him that very second. Have him tug at your skin, call your name and convulse. Watch him spark with every nerve and his pale body glow in the dull light.

You want his toes to curl and his legs to shiver, have his lips be stuck open, desperate for any air. Those eyes need to be on you, crying out for your touch.

You want to make him scream with pleasure. His desire, you, in the middle of his sight as you indulge him with slick sweat on your skin. Tease him, hear him whine and tell you how much he wants your everything. "Rythian..." He will call as you smile, feeling the power he gives you.

"Before," You speak with laced lust, "Do something for me." The way he'll nod with strain, his neck already arched with his back. The motion you make, it's filthy and the way he bites his lip you could almost come in your pants.

He's always most gorgeous when nude, it allows to you see every bend and crease in his skin. It feeds your wild hunger as you hold back from pinning him to the nearest wall. You could have had him in so many ways since you made him first breathless. Bend him over a counter, stuffed deep into couch cushions, given him rugburn, have his head smash into the drywall over and over as he bucks, or allow pain in you back as he takes all of you in as you hold him mid-air.

You love watching when he takes it all at once. Slamming down with such confidence and watching his expression melt as a tremor runs up his spine forcing him to cry out. In his perverted yearning he loves every ache it gives him and you love how quickly the warmth he surrounds you with spills into your stomach, slowly swirling into your chest to constrict your lungs.

You can taste the anticipation from him that he spits into the air, waiting for you to watch him. You're his thirsting audience, how your teeth haven't sunk into the soft folds of his skin you still don't know, but your lips aren't spared as they take the place of him. He almost tries taunting you, letting his hand hover just above but as your hips jump, spiking deeper into him, he hurries up.

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