Embarrassment: True story

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Embarrassment: True story

Note there may be some inaccuracies, my memory is like colander!

I’m pretty prone to embarrassment, such as the time (a few years ago might I add) when I tripped over walking out the school library, me being me, I wanted to just get up and pretend it never happened. Mrs May I think, or some adult library staff person were really sympathetic like: “Are you ok, you can stand aside and recover for a bit.” Not knowing what to do I just stood aside from the doors like a lemon before finally leaving-Embarrassed as hell.

So in about year seven and year eight I seemed to have it drilled into my mind that it was fun to run places, like all the time. I ran to the toilets, to class, just general places-I liked running.

So after that bit of scene setting here’s some more: when it’s cold in winter our school opens the school hall for people to sit and eat…

One day after I had gone to the toilet and was coming back to the hall I thought I’d make a big entrance, you know jump down the three steps to the hall, run up to my friends and “HI!!!” Like a boss.

Because my luck isn’t the best what actually happened was this. I jumped down into the hall, started running, about a quarter of the way through the hall my knees gave up completely. Determined not to fall on my face I slid across the hall on my knees. About over half way the momentum stopped and I got up, dusted myself down, head down and like before I pretend nothing had happened. A couple of my friends mentioned it and laughed.

So yeah… lots of people saw me make a fool of myself. Life tends to do stuff like this to people; I guess it’s just a test of character.

Probably a bit boring, sorry. I thought I'd post a snippit of my life on here! If you like it then comment, vote et cetera.

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