"I uh...I.... thank you!"

"No need to thank me, your work is truly exceptional and I can't wait to see more of it." He patted me on the arm and left the class.

I sat at my desk and stared at my sketchbooks and portfolio. A whole show of my art work. Just mine.

"Woooooooo!!!!!!" I leapt up and started to shimmy on the spot. My art! Mine!

"Now that's a view I'd like to see again and again," a voice drawled.

I jumped around and gave a shriek. "Zeke!"

I ran to him and hugged him tight, "I'm getting my own art show! Just mine! My art!"

He laughed and hugged me back, "Tar! That's brilliant!! I'm so proud of you!"

I grinned widely, "Shall we get a drink to celebrate?"

"Of course, babe! You've earned one!"

I put my sketchbooks in my bag and saw the sketch of my dad.



"Would you tell me about your Dad?"

"No," Zeke spoke in a hard, flat tone.

"Uh ok, it's just I..."

"You what Tar? I said no."

I felt my jaw tighten, he would talk to Louisa about his Dad but not me?

"Why not?"

"I'm not talking about him. Leave it," Zeke headed towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I called as he left the room.

He didn't answer. I sat on the bench and looked at my Dad's smiling face. What had just happened?



I sat in my car and punched the steering wheel. Shit. What had just happened? I leaned my head back and exhaled loudly. A sharp tap on my window made me jump.

Poppy waved frantically at me through the glass, I rolled the window down.


"Uh hi Poppy."

"Just wanted to say hi and also to find out if you had anything planned for Tar's birthday?"

"Tar's birthday?"

"Hasn't she told you? It's next week, on Friday. I thought we could all have dinner if you hadn't planned anything?" Poppy said.

"Uh sure, she hadn't told me but that sounds great."

"Brilliant. I'll text you later with the details. Bye!" Poppy tapped the top of my car, smiled and was gone.

I wound my window back up. It's Tar's birthday soon. I can't ruin it. I'm going to have to tell her about my Dad.

I saw Tar walk down the stairs with her bag and portfolio. She had her head low and was walking slowly. Suddenly she stopped and I saw Caitlin and Louisa walk quickly up to her. They were talking to Tar and she kept her head down. Caitlin leaned forward and laughed at her.

I got out the car and slammed the door shut, I jogged quickly over to them.

As I got closer I could hear Caitlin saying, "See Tubby, he doesn't want you. He won't even tell you anything about himself so leave him alone. He's meant to be with Louisa."

"What now?" I said.

Louisa and Caitlin jumped in surprise. Tar kept her head bowed.

"Louisa, leave me alone. How many times do I need to tell you? I'm with Tar. Caitlin, take a good hard look at yourself because you are truly horrible. Now leave us alone."

I took Tar's portfolio and held her hand as moved towards the car. Tar didn't speak until we climbed in.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have asked you about your Dad. It's not my business," Tar said quietly looking at her hands.

I held her hands in mine, I loved the way they fit. I loved the way her hands were covered in paint or charcoal. I loved her, I realised.

So I needed to tell her.

I put the car into gear and reversed out of the parking space.

"Where are we going?" Tar asked surprised.

I took a deep breath, "To see my Dad."

Brick Girl [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now