We went into the parlor
"I reserved the parlor for two hours so we have time."

I nodded at him and I ordered a gansito banana split and Michael ordered an ice-cream bowl.

" sooo....."I started to say nervously

I waited for him to say something first while the tension became uncomfortable and thick.

"Why'd you do it?" I began.

He looked at me; his eyes were filled with hurt and regret.

" It was a mistake, It meant nothing you know this."

I stared at him as the waitress came with our ice cream

"How can you even say that? if it was a mistake why you'd do it more than once?"

" Is that what you want to hear from me that I cheated on you. Yeah,I cheated on you one time and I lied about it because I was scared. Scared to lose you and the other time we weren't even together ." He said

I ran my fingers threw my hair frustratedly " You lost me anyways."

He looked down guilty gripping his spoon.

" you weren't there with me when I needed you most."  he said

I looked at him and burst out,
"And that's an excuse? I'm sorry I had shit going on and Y-you pretended to be so fucking supportive.You lied,
You kept lying to me like nothing happened!" I half yelled causing people to look at me.

Michael looked at Bill, who was by the door.

" I'm sorry. I was afraid that you wouldn't forgive me."

" Did you ever love me?" I said almost about to cry

"How could you even ask that?
you were my best friend, my favorite person but you walked away, you ran from me ."

I looked at him as I wiped a tear that slip.

" It was a year, 12 months of nothing but pain not being able to see you because I know if I saw you I'll cave in, not hearing your voice, your laughter, eating me slowly. I remember ignoring every phone call, every knock at my door. The only thing I wanted was  your touch, your body against mine. I was depressed and Diana helped me get out of it she was there. But then eventually she had feelings for me that I didn't have but she convinced me that I did I just didn't want to tell myself that a-and I believed her.

I eyed him stupidly and scoffed,
"And you didn't think I felt like that too? but I couldn't I was going to have a baby I had to think about his health! not mine it wasn't about me it was him. Landon is the one who didn't allow me to feel like that."

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it before letting it go.

"That night of the party when you left I try to explain everything and the reason why I slept or however you want to say it was that Eddie later on told me that when I wasn't looking she put a pill in my Champaign that made me loopy and forgetful."

I eyed him seeing he was telling the truth.

"So if I actually listened to you. You and I would still be together just married ."

He nodded his head.

"Well what's the point now your engaged again to Diana."

I sighed heavily and I ran my fingers threw my hair.
" do your forgive me now?" he said .

" yeah I guess." I said rolling my eyes

He smiled showing off his pearly white teeth but then frowned
" I want to see my son."

" you'll see him just not now, I want him to have a dad growing up because I didn't have that same opportunity."

" I want to be in his life. You can just leave him with Diana and I then you pick him up"

" I think the hell not, I don't want my baby to be around that women."

He laughed "Why?"

" I'm getting bad vibes off her and I don't trust her and I'm also going to Neverland to plan her wedding dress."

"She looks all fake too she look Like she got bunch of plastic surgeries done. But hey that's none of my business." I said before I ate a spoonful of ice cream

He raised his eyebrow at me and chuckled but then  looked down as his phone dinged.

He frowned and stood up.

" I have to go Diana needs me. It was great catching up and happy you finally decided to listen to my side of the story and I'll see you tomorrow" he said as he kissed my forehead.

I watched him leave. and get into his car leaving me to my self as I ate my ice cream.

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