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The tour seemed to be flying by so quickly, although Axl was right. You do start to hate that tour bus and being on it. I do miss home and I am home sick.

I loved traveling and seeing the world, but I miss Los Angeles and I miss Cassie. That's why I'm sad, but partially glad that it's the band's last show. The last show takes place here in Las Vegas.

The band was enthusiastic about performing the last show of the tour, but also quite frantic. The backstage crew was a mess and Axl wasn't too happy about that.

Sarah and I stood by, out of the way as Axl made his way onto the stage. But, he came back. He took my hands and looked into my eyes.

"Laura, before I go on that stage I need to ask you something. I don't think I can go on performing tonight without knowing the answer," He said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"When we get back to Los Angeles, will you move in with me? You'll never have to work a day in your life. Actually, by the looks of you, you could be a model. I can make you a model. Please say yes," Axl rambled on and begged me.

I glanced over at Sarah who was smiling at the two of us. I turned back to Axl. "Of course I'll move in with you, babe. Now go perform your show. Your fans are waiting," I urged him.

"I love you," He said for the first time. I felt my heart flutter and my mouth go dry.

"I love you, too!" I called back as he ran onto the stage. But, my thoughts and feelings were drowned out by the loud roar of the crowd and Axl yelling into the microphone.

The music started and I turned to Sarah, who was grinning widely.

"What?" I asked her.

"You guys are so amazing together," She said, "And how about that modeling job?"

I laughed and nodded. "I think I'm going to go for it," I told Sarah.

"That's great, Laura!" Sarah said and she went in for a hug. Laughing, I hugged her back.

We pulled apart and suddenly my smile faded away. I've been feeling a little uneasy all day today, but right now it really hit me.

"Laura? Are you okay? You don't look so good," Sarah said.

"How do I look? I'm fine," I told her.

Sarah gave me a look of disbelief. "Laura, you're really pale and you look sick," She said.

"I don't feel amazing but I'm fine," I said, shrugging it off.

"Laura," Sarah said.

"I'm fine," I told her firmly, "I just need to sit down." I took a seat on the bench that was up against the wall and gripped my stomach.

"Where are the bathrooms?" I asked Sarah quickly.

"Here," She said, helping me stand up. The two of us basically sprinted down the hall to find the bathrooms and I ran into the first stall and began puking my guts out.

Sarah was in the stall with me. She was the one that closed the door. Sarah held my hair back while I vomited. When I was finished, I looked up to see the worry on her face.

"What could've caused this? Did you eat something weird?" Sarah asked me and I shook my head.

"Has anyone else been sick? Oh, I don't know. We've been in a lot of places maybe you caught a virus from somebody or ma-" Sarah stopped speaking when she saw me shaking my head. She saw the look in my eyes and her mouth shut.

"Sarah, I'll be fine here. Can you run to a store somewhere nearby and find a pregnancy test?" I asked her in what I hoped to be a calm voice, but was very shaky.

"Laura, what if you're," Sarah's voice trailed off.

"Just go get the tests," I told her.

Sarah nodded. "Are you sure you'll be okay here, by yourself?" She asked me.

"I'll be fine. I'll stay here, okay? I'm not going anywhere else. Just hurry," I told her.

"I'll try to," Sarah said and with that, Sarah had left.

I was now left with my own thoughts and worries about this. What if it came back positive? What would I do then?

But most importantly, how was I going to tell Axl?

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