Chapter 12 A New Type of Training

Start from the beginning

"Sorry Michigo. I didn't know how much you could handle. Is that too much?" Lee asked sheepishly.  I shook my head. I felt the eyes of the other two on me and I was determined to make them know I wasn't no weakling.  That I could handle anything.

"Ok great let's go. We will go slow. Since your new with those. Is that alright?" Lee was acting like a real instructor. He was good at taijutsu that much was positive. I nodded an ok before trying to take off. Key word: try.

"Geez Lee." I said struggling at first before finding a way to go. I had an idea to use my chakra. To gather some as the base of my feet to be able to move my feet. I figured I would use this method until my legs are strong enough to move without the use of my chakra.

"Ok Lee. I'm ready." I said confident that this will work. I saw from the corners of my eyes that both Neji and Tenten were shocked that I could lift these weights almost as fast as I put them on. I inwardly smiled.

Haha. Got your attention now did I.

Let me tell you it was one long and hard run that we went on. With me not use to those weights, that run was incredibly tiring.

"Ok michigo. Now let's spar with them. Hand to hand." Lee once again instructed. I could tell he is going to be working me harshly. He doesn't comprehend that not everybody can move around with these weights on. Especially 24/7. I couldn't comprehend how he and Guy sensei were able to do this. I sure as hell hoped these weights were only for training purposes.

We fought hard all day with the few glances that we got from the others. Guy sensei and Almira watched us closely. I bet she could tell I was getting tired but she didn't say anything.

"Ok that's enough for today. Michigo, Lee you guys can go. I can tell this is hard work for her. She isn't used to the weights yet Lee. On the other hand Tenten, Neji you're not done yet. You still have some energy. Keep training." When I heard Guy sensei say those words I was overjoyed. These weights were damn heavy. I quickly sat down and took them off. I didn't even bother asking how much those weighed. I was scared if I heard the answer I would freak out and not be able to lift those again.

"So Lee want to get something to eat?" I asked kindly. I'm sure he could tell how much strain those weights put on me. he was hesitant at first but eventually nodded. I was relieved to be able to have some alone time with Lee. Hopefully I can get some answers out of him.

"So want to go for some barbequed pork?" I asked as we took off for the restaurant.

"Sure." Lee answered. Once we got seated inside I thought it best to start asking my questions. This was finally a time when we're alone and he couldn't run away.  So I can finally get the answers I'm looking for.

"So Lee. Why have you been distant with me?" I asked curiously. I was a little hurt that he would even do that to me. One minute he likes me as a friend the next he doesn't talk to me?

He didn't answer me at first but when he did it made my heart sink and my breathing go shallow. Although I didn't make it known to him. I tried to act like it didn't bother me when it did.

"Well you see Michigo. I heard Tenten say to Sakura and Ino that she wants to drive you out of the village. I asked her why would she do such a thing to a splendid ninja and they told me that if I had anything to do with you that they would do that to me as well. I could not afford to be a rogue ninja. I want to show the world I can be a splendid ninja as well and I could not do that if I was driven out of the village. I am sorry. I should have stuck up for you. I should have been there for you and for that I am sorry." He apologized to me and that immediately warmed my heart. That someone else wanted me. That someone else likes me to be here. That someone else will be there and stick up for me.

"It's alright Lee. I understand." I said my voice soft. I was smiling a genuine smile. I was no longer hurt or scared by the fact that the girls didn't like me because all I cared for is my friendship with Lee.  We needed eachother.

"Thank you." Lee said looking up to look me in the eyes and then I saw genuine saddness that he didn't stick up for me then. I was moved by his apology.  Not even Neji could beat him. Lee was a sweet and understanding Guy. He was a loyal friend and to me that meant the world. Coming from a lonely place to having a few friends that actually cared about me means the world to me.
After that we just talked about random stuff til it was dark. Then we said our goodbyes and parted ways. I was dreading going back to my apartment. For one Almira will be there definitely because she skipped out on yesterday. So the whole walk home I was preparing myself for the answer I would have to give her eventually.

I unlocked my front door and not to my surprise I saw Almira there sleeping on the couch. I tried to walk in quietly but with her enhanced hearing she would definitely hear me and I was right. Much to my demise.

"Finally you're back." She said opening her eyes. Her head was still laying down on her paws lazily. That gesture I knew she was tired but we knew we had to have this conversation.

"So answer my question." She said bluntly watching me like a hawk. I sighed knowing there was no way out this time.

"Well it's because I like him." I answered not looking her in the eyes out of embarrassment. I felt her judging me. Which made me more uncomfortable than I already was.

"You know he likes you too right?" She said that more of a statement than a question.  I immediately perked up in hope. It was then I remembered that he didn't even say anything to me today except here at my apartment.

"No he doesn't. He doesn't even talk to me in public and he's always rude to me." I said sadly looking down again. The little hope I just had dissipated. I felt her staring at me long and hard before answering me.

"You mean the jealousy he had today?" She asked curiously. I was pondering if what she said was true because right now everything was riding on it. I was hoping she wasn't screwing with me.

"Why didn't he talk to me?" I finally decided I was going to be the one asking the questions since apparently she knew the answers. I was still looking at the ground at this point.

"He was mad and jealous that Lee is going to be spending more time with you." She said softly. I looked up to see her head off her paws and staring back at me with soft eyes.

"Really? Then why didn't he answer me when I asked him why did he walk with me?" I asked hopeful. She shook her head lowering my hope once more. She saw it in my eyes I could tell by the way she softened her eyes.

"I don't know that one but I think he might be either overprotective or just wanting an excuse to be with you. Either way. Its a win, win." She said with a smile bringing a smile onto my own face. I jumped up with joy and practically tackled her in a hug. She was an animal.  They have instincts that humans don't and they can pick up your moods.
She laughed at my reaction knowing it brought my hopes back up.

"Ok so next time I'm going to be nicer and work extra hard to get his attention and maybe he'll feel comfortable to talk to me. You think?" I asked eagerly. I saw her chuckle and nod.

"Maybe. Let's test it out." She said smiling at me. I smiled back before letting her get back to sleep while I jumped in bed and rested for the days to come. I was going to be a stronger ninja and I swore that night I would try to win Neji over. I didn't care about the girls driving me out of the village anymore. It was finally starting to feel like home.

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