Time to say goodbye

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Tar walked back from the memorial garden, her head bent low. My heart ached at the sight of her. She looked so broken. She walked up to me and pushed her head against my chest. I dropped a kiss onto her head and breathed in her peach shampoo. Tar lifted her head and looked at me. Her grey eyes were sad and I could tell she had been crying.

"Shall we go?"
She nodded and we went to the car.

I made our way home and Tar walked silently up the stairs and into my room. Mum was in the kitchen, I went in to talk to her.

"Mum, what do I do?" I sat on the chair and fiddled with the salt shaker.
Mum turned around and poured milk into her tea, "You don't do anything, Zeke. You can't. All you need to do is be there for her and let her ride the emotions that she is experiencing. A lot has happened to Tara, probably more things than she is willing to tell us yet but you just need to hold onto her when she's crying and give her space when she needs it."

Mum smiled wanly, "It's the hardest thing in the world to see someone you love go through this but I know you, Zeke, you will be able to give Tara everything she needs."

I stuttered, "Love? Mum, I don't.."

Mum threw me her best 'that's bullshit' expression, "Zeke don't even bother. You have it bad. I can see it, everyone can. When you look at Tara, it's the way your Dad used to look at me."

I put the shaker down. Mum patted my hand and picked up her cup, "I'm on call tonight so I'll be at the hospital most of the night. If you need me just call."

I stood up and hugged her, "Love you, Mum."

She smiled, "Course you do, who doesn't?"



I lay on Zekes bed and breathed in his scent. It was warm and reassuring. I closed my eyes tight and saw my Mum's face, "Murderer," she hissed.

My eyes snapped open. I sat up suddenly and looked around, all of this; Zeke, Rose, the care they gave me. I didn't deserve it.  I killed my Dad and I killed my Mum by putting her in hospital and making her drink. I got up quickly and took off my dress. I put on my running gear and was lacing up my trainers when Zeke walked in.

" I was wondering if you wanted anything to eat?"
"Thanks but no, I'm going for a run. I need to clear my head," I finished tying my trainers and stood up straight.

Zeke nodded and took his top off, in spite of everything that I was feeling, seeing his toned chest made my heart flutter. He walked over to a drawer and pulled out another tshirt.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he slipped the tshirt on.
"I'm coming with you," he replied.


We left the house and jogged slowly onto a forest path. We didn't speak, I just concentrated on my breathing and the steady patter of our feet. We ran over a bridge and headed towards the river. Zeke sped up and I matched his pace. We followed the path of the river and out of the forest. Zeke sped up again and I followed him.

I just focused on my breathing.


Images flashed before my eyes; Dad's smiling face, Mum's face contorted in a tight snarl, our cold lifeless flat, looking into an empty fridge, my Dad's plaque.

I hadn't realised but I sped up again and was now sprinting as if my life depended on it. I could feel my chest tighten and the tears start to fall. I kept running.


Zeke stayed by my side, not saying a word. He let me run and cry and when I couldn't cry anymore, I slowed back into a walk. I rested against a brick wall and stretched my legs.

Zeke leaned next to the wall, he rested his hands on his knees and panted.

"Phew! Good run!" He straightened up and smiled at me. His tshirt was tight against his chest with sweat.

I moved and pushed myself against him, I kissed him; it was a kiss full of need and sadness. I cared so much for him and I needed to tell him everything. I hoped he'd understand. I couldn't keep this all to myself anymore.

Zeke kissed me back with a matching need. He ran his hands down onto my bum and then he pulled back.

"I um.. I don't think we should do this here," he grinned. "You're having too much of an effect on me and we're in public."

I blushed and Zeke roared with laughter.

"Let's go, " he kissed me and held my hand.

"Ok, " I said as we headed for his house. "I need to talk to you."

Brick Girl [Completed]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin