Chapter Ninety: Inbox

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FROM: Weir, Elizabeth

TO: Pierce, Cassandra

SUBJECT: Alpha Site

Doctor Pierce,

After speaking with Colonel Sheppard regarding his recent visit to the Alpha Site, he informed me of the curious situation you have found yourself in. I wish I could say that things like this didn't happen but we both know from prior experience that there are always people who will take advantage of those in need.

I think it is suitable for you to check in with Atlantis fortnightly in respect to this matter in order to give you time to survey the damage. I need you to compile a list of all the missing drugs/supplies so I can apply for more from the IOA.

Speak to you soon.

Elizabeth Weir

FROM: Beckett, Carson

TO: Pierce, Cassandra

SUBJECT: Apology


I have written this email what seems like a thousand times and nothing ever seems to convey how sorry I am for my behaviour before you left. I was acting like an ogre and I sincerely apologize for the way I treated you. Somewhere along the line I got so caught up in the project I was working on that I forgot about the friend that I hold so dear. I responded callously to your situation when I should have been supporting you and I feel terrible about being too stubborn to make peace with you before you left for the Alpha Site.

So I am hoping and pleading that you'll give this old Scot a chance to prove that your friendship does mean the world to him.

Hope your well!


PS: Say hello to the big man for me!

FROM: Sheppard, John

TO: Pierce, Cassandra

SUBJECT: Distance

Hey Cass,

I'm a little disappointed you couldn't make it out to Atlantis but I do get that the Chicken Pox and Shingles are no laughing matter especially with the limited resources you have at your disposal.

Nothing much new is happening here, Rodney's started harvesting Stargates for some Intergalactic Bridge he wants to build so he's got me flying all around the Galaxy collecting them. Apparently when the thing is fully functional it will only take us thirty mins to get back to Earth and vice versa, there's a lot of technical stuff involved and I zoned out when he started to explain. I miss the days of shooting things and blowing stuff up. :(

How is Ronon doing? I would have expected him to have returned by now but apparently he seems to like it out there, maybe something to do with that Aid Worker Hope that you were telling me about in your last email? Either way keep an eye on him, you know he has a knack for finding trouble and we don't need any more on our doorstep.

Tut, tut on making me think of all the wonderful places my hands would be roving over if you were here right now. I lie in our bed at night imagining how you taste underneath my lips as you give that sexy little moan. You have such a dirty mouth and listening to you describe all those naughty things makes my mind run rampant at the possibilities of what we'll get up to once we see each other again.

If this chickenpox thing is still going on in a week, I'll try and hitch a ride with the medical supplies so we can get a little time together. The sex aside, I miss waking up next to you every morning and kissing that cute little button nose of yours. The bed's too big with you gone...

Anyway, I'm gonna hit send.

Missing you


FROM: McKay, Rodney

TO: Pierce, Cassandra

SUBJECT: Your Immediate Return (URGENT)


You need to get back here right away. Ronon will pack your stuff for you just get yourself through the Stargate before your husband drives me literally insane.

Do you know what he's been doing while your away? Hounding me! Every evening while I'm working in the lab he comes in and starts playing Golf on the Wii using the huge Ancient Monitor I have in there. I have no idea how he managed to get both technologies to work (I suspect Zelinka had something to do with it.) AND! He doesn't use the strap to keep the Wii remote attached to him so at any moment that thing can go hurtling through the air and destroy one of my experiments.

I have tried talking to him but he has clearly stated that whilst your away he will be indulging in this past time constantly as he needs to work on 'his swing'. WE DON'T EVEN HAVE A GOLF COURSE HERE!

As you know my work is both critical and important not only to Atlantis but the whole entire galaxy and of course Earth. I would be grateful if you could put a stop to this nonsense either by returning or at the very least demanding that he cease this kind of activity in my lab!

Kind Regards

Rodney McKay

FROM: Lorne, Evan

TO: Pierce, Cassandra

SUBJECT: Missed Visit

Hey Cass,

Just checking up on you since you've missed the last two visits home. I warn you any more and I think there will be hell to pay from the Colonel. He's getting a little restless and antsy about the fact he hasn't seen you for a month and he's taken to muttering about some Drew guy while he beats the crap out of the punching bag. (I have no idea what this is about but I am guessing it's some private marriage thing)

Anyway I really just wanted to make sure you were ok! I hear there's some sort of sickness going around at the moment and I'll keep my fingers crossed you won't catch it.

That aside, our team still misses you. The new guy we got saddled with had absolutely no idea how to camp, I caught him trying to rub two sticks together when we were camping offworld instead of using the hexy blocks and the lighter. He also snores... LOUDLY.

Hope your having a great time doing what you do best!

Evan :)

FROM: Sheppard, John

TO: Pierce, Cassandra



You can not leave me hanging like that! All I can think about is your delicate hands all over my body. Your sweet lips wrapped around my cock as you look up at me, teasing me with that hot little tongue of yours. God, I am getting hard just thinking about all the filthy things you do to me Cassandra. I would give anything to be with you right now, holding and kissing you. There are so many things I want to tell you, so many things I need to express.

I need to see you as soon as possible, so Skype at 7pm.

This is NOT a request.

Love John

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