Chapter Forty Two: Little Wonders

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let it slide,
let your troubles fall behind you
let it shine
until you feel it all around you
and i don't mind
if it's me you need to turn to
we'll get by,
it's the heart that really matters in the end

Rob Thomas – Little Wonders

It had never meant to come to this, John had never wanted this and he had never asked for it but Ford was his responsibility. Not only was the younger man one of his men but he was also a friend and John never turned his back on his friends. Which was why John was hunting down the Lieutenant with a Wraith Scanner. The other man's mind was being warped from the enzyme, his actions back in the Infirmary were an example of that.

The man that Cass had described during that almost deadly show down had not been the man that John knew and worked with. Cass had been in a sheer state of disbelief herself over what had happened. The only explanation Carson had been able to give him was that the drug was making Ford increasingly unstable. The Scottish doctor had likened the sensation of withdrawal to that of heroin, all it took was one dose and you were hooked.

Violent, unpredictable, ungodly strength and cunning...

Cass's words were ringing in his ears like the beginning of a Greek tragedy. The evidence was pouring down her face from a gash that would thankfully not scar. There had been warning in her voice and she had made it abundantly clear by the tightening grip on his forearm what she meant when she'd spoke to him. Lieutenant Aiden Ford was dangerous, he was not to forget that in any uncertain terms.

Ford had been exceptionally trained to begin with, hopped up on the Wraith enzyme he was like a super soldier, killing machine when cornered. Cass had begged him to take a team or at the very least a partner to back him up but he knew that this was something he had to do alone. If Ford thought he was under attack it could trigger another episode, it was better if he came out alone as someone that Ford trusted.

Unfortunately it turned out that Ford was a little better than he was at playing hide and seek. They were running out of time, in just few minutes Rodney and Zelinka would be putting their grand plan into action and they couldn't have Ford doing anything to compromise the safety of the people in this city.

"You know I could have shot you several times by now." Ford informed the Major as he stepped out from behind a pillar.

John lowered the stunner so it was pointed at the ground. He wanted to look as non threatening as possible so he could appeal to Ford's more rational nature. His hazel eyes focused on the other man who stood as plain as day before him. The 9mm Cass had told him about was in his hand and pointed toward the floor. The P90 was strapped across his chest as he carried what John assumed was ammo he had pilfered from the armoury.

The expression on Ford's face was sullen and focused. There was no sign of the crazy drug induced side effects he had been expecting, just that serious, fearless gaze.

"Well..." John uttered, pursing his lips together grimly at the declaration. "I'm glad you didn't."

John took a slow, steady step forward as he spoke trying to draw his former comrade closer in order to disarm and calm him.

"Look, why don't you and I go somewhere we can talk." John implored, his gaze lingering on the beckoning open doors to the transporter behind Ford.

Already the other man was mimicking John's movements, with every stride he was taking forward Ford was taking one back. He really did not want to hurt his friend and colleague but it looked like Ford was going to offer him no other choice.

"Your trying to chance me back." Ford accused, his face contorting with agitation. "Just like Doctor Pierce wanted to."

"I'm just trying to help you." John said firmly, his eyes meeting Ford's so the other man could read the sincerity of his words.

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