Chapter Seventy Two: The Family Man

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I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the World I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes

P Diddy – Coming Home

New York state still looked exactly the same way as John remembered it as they sat in the back of the taxi watching the world go by. They had taken a cab from JFK airport in order to get to Jule's town house in Nassau country. Just being in this area made his palms sweat and his heart beat a little faster in his chest. It seemed like fate that Cass's family should live in the same vicinity of his own and just being near his father's house made him feel like a sixteen year old boy all over again. Cass was pointing out things, her voice was a excitable as she indicated to the memories she retained here, despite the fact she had declared Atlantis as her home, it was clear she missed this area and her family.

John wondered what Cass's family would think of him, that thought had been so far from his mind until today. There had been the heart doctor before him, he couldn't quite live up to that but he would do his damnedest to prove he deserved Cass.

Jules and her husband resided in the suburbs and their house was typical of the area. It was stood tall and proud amongst it's neighbours, the lawn was neatly trimmed and tidy. The porch was in excellent condition and there were homely trinkets in the windows as he reviewed them. The door was already opening up as the taxi came to stand still outside of the house. His wife was already bolting from the cab as two, young dark haired children ran down the path with chants of "Aunt Cass" ringing ringing through the air.

John handed over his credit card to the cab driver between two fingers before climbing out of the cab pulling their bags along with him. Cass's duffel bag settled over his shoulder and his hold all clasped in his opposite hand. He found himself grinning as he watched his wife crouch to receive the two children with wide open arms. Her love for them was fierce, he could feel it reverberating through their connection as she held them close and peppered the two of them with kisses. There were eyes on him, he could feel them watching and his gaze swept upwards until they came to rest on the lone woman standing in the door way with a brilliant, bright smile upon her wholesome features.

The resemblance between Cass and Jules was astounding. There was no doubt that the two of them were sisters, they had the same raven black hair that they had inherited from their father. Their eyes were the same shade of sapphire blue, it was only when Jules began to step closer to her sister that John began to notice the more subtler differences. Jules's hair was longer than his wife's, it was tied back in an elegant pony tail that suited her own delicate features. There were laughter lines at the edges of her mouth from what seemed like a life time of contentment.

Cass rose to her feet, the small children clinging to her legs as her older sister hurtled towards her and swept her into a heartfelt hug. They had their own bond, John could see it spreading in the relief and love between them as they clasped each other close.

Already Cass was gesturing for him to step forward and meet their small family. Her face was lit up like a kid on Christmas day as John took several steps forward. The children were hiding behind Cass's legs still, they peered up at him curiously from behind their aunt regarding him with a mixture of interest and suspicion.

"You must be the husband." Jules greeted with a welcoming smile as John rubbed the back of his head sheepishly at the attention that was focused upon him.

"Jules this is Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard. John this is my sister Jules." Cass introduced as her sister nudged her lightly with her body.

"Lieutenant Colonel huh? You did do well." she told her sister, causing John to blush as Jules raised her eyebrows knowingly.

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