Chapter Fourteen: Perfect

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Love me tender, love me sweet

Never let me go

You have made my life complete

And I love you so

Norah Jones – Love Me Tender

The beach was stunning as the two of them sat upon the golden sands side by side, watching the dark water crash across the stretching shore line of the mainland. The campfire John had made out of Hexi blocks and dry sticks was crackling beside them. John's strong arm was wrapped around Cass's small shoulders drawing her snug against his firm body, the fingers of her left hand were interlaced in his as she tilted up her head to look at the stars glittering brightly in the sky above.

The trip had started off as a quick run to the main land in the Puddle Jumper to take some medical supplies over to the Athosians. She couldn't operate the Puddle Jumper without the ATA gene so John had volunteered. It had taken a while for Cass to realize that there was in fact camping equipment stowed away amongst her supplies. A raised eyebrow in John's direction had been returned with a wide smile as he suggested an over night stay on the island.

"You know this is going to cause all sorts of rumours back at Atlantis." Cass stated, her lips caressing the back of John's hand. "Overnight stay in a one man tent away from the Athosians..."

"Yea, you know I kind of got bored with all the midnight tiptoe and the sneaking around." John informed her light-heartedly before his tone changed to something more serious. "You deserve better than that."

"So this is your way of saying to hell with it?" Cass asked him, tilting her head up to meet his gaze.

"They're going to find out sometime, what's the point in hiding it any more?" John said nonchalantly.

Cass raised her hand to her mouth in order to hide the smile that was lighting up her dainty features. John wondered why she did that, why Cass hid her feelings behind a mask. He loved seeing her happy, the way her eyes shone in the moon light captivated him, she looked radiant and blissful as she peered up at him. Her fingers were picking up a sky blue coloured, curved shell from the sand as she toyed with it between her fingers.

"Did you ever used to do that thing where you pick up a sea shell and listen to the sound of the ocean?" Cass questioned as she cupped it to her own ear.

John shook his head, holding out his own hand for the shell. He had heard of it a thousand times before but he had never stopped to actually try out the urban myth, whenever he was at a beach he was usually too busy surfing to even notice there were shells on the sand around him. Cass placed it in his palm before John brought it to his ear, frowning at the roaring sound emitting from the depths of the sea shell.

"I always thought that was one of those rumours you hear as a kid, you know like 'eating your crusts makes your hair curl' and stuff like that." John said handing the shell back to her.

"You know McKay probably has some huge scientific reason behind what it is but I like keeping the magic of it." Cass told him cupping the sea shell between her hands.

"I have something for you." John said abruptly, raising to his feet.

Cass watched as he returned to their tent not ten meters away and before withdrawing something from it. There was a box clasped in his large hands when he sat back down again. Cass studied him quizzically as he held the medium sized rectangle towards her. She took it, setting the gift down on her lap before studying it with curious fingertips.

The gun metal grey lockbox was heavy and made of iron from what she could tell. There were a few faded surf board logos stuck to the lid. The corners were rounded and there was a heavy duty lock on the front, John jangled the keys beside her before taking her delicate hand in his and placing them inside her palm.

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