Chapter Forty Eight: Sweet Dreams

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You float on by
Oh kiss me with your eyelashes tonight
Or Eskimo your nose real close to mine
And let's mood the lights and finally make it right

Jason Mraz - Butterfly

Her soft skin was slick from their long, drawn out acts of foreplay. John had never been as vocal as he was tonight. His words were like dirty sonnets igniting her nerves with blistering anticipation as he whispered them in that sexy, husky way of his. They had taken their time tonight, enjoying one another as their hands smoothed over every single scar upon each other's glistening flesh. She had begged and pleaded as he touched her with those deliciously hot fingers of his, stroking and teasing.

Yet John was always firm and resolute, driving her to dizzying pleasurable heights until she she felt like she would combust with the ecstasy. It was never enough, each time he took her higher left her breathless and demanding until she could take it no more.

She was lying on her stomach, amongst her twisted sheets as John pressed the length of his entire athletic form against her inviting shape. They fit together like the answer to a puzzle, their body's perfectly sculpted for one another. His leaking, throbbing cock was rubbing against her core, pushing just against the entrance leaving Cass in dire straits as John proceeded no further despite how much of his own need consumed him.

His face was buried in the hollow of her neck, his ragged breathing caressing her skin with every moan that told her how close he was to losing that final thread of his steely sense of control. The curve of her firm ass was hugged by the shape of her husband's hips as Cass arched against him, commanding completion.

"Stop teasing me." she demanded in a low, breathy whisper. "I need you inside me, loving me."

John eased inside his wife's rampant form slow and deliberate, making her feel every single inch of his desire as he penetrated her burning tightness. Cass cried out at the sense of fulfilment that flooded her entire body as John tortured her just a little longer. His mouth was by her ear as he bucked his hips, sinking even deeper until he was buried inside her wanton form all the way to the hilt.

"I love being inside you like this." he panted in her ear as he began to move in agonizingly slow strokes hitting that little sweet spot that left her writhing with delirious pleasure. "So wet and wanting me so God damn much."

"Don't stop." Cass invoked as her skin flushed with the feel of a thousand fireworks beginning to erupt inside her."Please John don't stop."

It did things to him when she spoke like that, she could tell from that aggressive little growl that emitted low in his throat as he nuzzled her throat. He was thrusting faster now, harder. Just the way Cass wanted it, they were already at the pinnacle of release. She could feel the euphoria rushing through her veins as her whimpers got louder and louder with each and every motion John made. His fingers sought out hers entwining together as their connection sung between them.

"I'll never stop." John told her his voice hoarse from the oncoming climax. "Your mine and I'll never stop loving you like this. Come for me Cassie, show me how much you love me."

Cass loved when he talked like that, it was so fierce and possessive, the way a mate should talk. He was a gifted and generous lover and she loved that aspect of him. It tipped her over the edge hearing him claim her like that. She was his and it would stay like that until the end of time.

She crested at the same time as John, her whole entire being trembled and tensed as he pushed inside her once more making her explode like a newly burning star. John's fingertips dug into her knuckles as that feral, gluttonous groan escaped his mouth, his teeth biting down on the nape of her neck, sucking the flesh there. The abrupt pain mingled with the pleasure making their orgasm all the more intense.

His name was on her lips as she stretched out underneath her husband. John's face was buried in her neck, kissing that tender spot where he marked her as he mumbled against her skin.

"God I love everything about you."

Cass rolled onto her side, her hand reaching out and seeking out her husband's extravagant naked body. God she wanted him right now, she wanted him so much it caused her entire body to ache with desire and need.

"Hm Major." she muttered in that sexy sleepy voice he told her he loved so much.

Her hand collided with nothing but cool sheets as she stretched out along the length of the bed feeling strangely alone once more. Cass buried her face into John's pillow and let out a groan of frustration at not only their current predicament but her aroused condition. That dream had been almost as erotic as the event itself. The last time John and her had made love was a fixture in her mind. The thought of his hands tracing the outline of her body, of his hot demanding mouth, teasing, tasting, wanting...

Cass was already striping back the sheets from her body and climbing out of bed. She didn't know how much longer she could take this any more. This feeling of impulsive desire was crippling, it washed over her at the most inconvenient of moments, at night, during the day, whenever she was alone with her thoughts for more than a few minutes.

It had never been like this for her before John. In Afghanistan it had been easy to forget that there was someone waiting back home but Atlantis was different, here John haunted her thoughts like a ghost. She thought that was because the two of them had established a home here. This was the place where they'd fallen in love, where they'd gotten married and a few times it had been the place where they thought they'd die.

It didn't take long for the cold water to work it's magic over her flustered skin. It soothed over her skin chasing away the agitating thoughts of her husband's sensual nude body and his skilled hands. It had been two weeks now and although she had been keeping herself occupied over the past fortnight with choosing furniture for the new apartment and decorating it in subtle cream tones with the help of Teyla and Zelinka.

The truth was she had never decorated a room before the past week, there had never been any reason too since she was always away in Afghanistan and before that when she hadn't been away her ex fiancé had hired an interior decorator to design their home. It surprised her how much she enjoyed doing the mini bits of DIY and as it turned out Zelinka was full of handy bits of advice from laying down a plastic sheet so she didn't get paint on the floor, to helping measuring the living area to see of the chocolate brown leather corner couch she wanted to order was going to fit.

Cass hadn't taken these things into consideration until she discussed her choices with the older man and Zelinka seemed to be full of patience when it came to the logistics of decorating. Cass was thankful she had barely been spending over the past few years. The house that she had lived in with her ex partner had been in his name and he had never allowed her to pay any rent for the months she was living there. She had contributed as much as he allowed her to the running of the household but as it turned out she had quite a nest egg saved. She hadn't seen fit to get a place of her own after they'd broken up and her sister Jules had accepted her with open arms until she got back on her feet again and applied for another tour.

So when Cass splashed out on brand new furniture for their new apartment she didn't feel guilty or weary about spending the money in her bank account. It was all her own and she saw it as an investment in their future. When they eventually moved back to Earth they could take it all with them when they got a place of their own where ever they finally decided to settle down. She had managed to order all of the furniture before the Daedalus deadline so it should all arrive around the same time as John did.

Cass just hoped he liked her choices, he didn't know about the apartment yet as far as she knew. She had left the choice of electronic devices up to him so that he would feel like he had played some part of setting up their home. He had been planning to bring some of his own stuff back with him but Cass admittedly had no idea what.

It was stupid for her to be this excited about moving into their new place, even without the furnishings she adored the place. It felt like home and she hoped that John would feel the same way once he saw it. She also hoped he helped with assembling some of the furniture because she had no clue how to build a bed, a bookshelf or a chest of drawers.

Two weeks, she told herself. You only have to wait two more weeks.

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