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The 'just-married' couple apparated to their home, later that night. Before Hermione could step inside, Snape hauled her up in his arms, prompting her to squeal. "There's really no need for this Sev-"
"It's traditional for the husband to carry his bride over the threshold, remember?"
But it wasn't just the foyer though- he was out of breath by the time he had carried her all the way up the stairs, to their bedroom. Hermione didn't say anything; he always acted tough but there was no denying the fact that he wasn't getting any younger. Although glad that he was willing to push himself to any level for her, she looked away to make him think she hadn't seen him panting for breath. Instead, she looked across the room, filled with lit scented candles and then let her eyes fall on the huge-canopied bed which was strewn with rose petals. A smile crept onto her face as Snape hugged her from behind, wrapping his hands around her waist. He carefully removed the pins from her hair, massaging her scalp and letting her hair loose in soft curls around her shoulders. Then he brushed it out of the way to have access to her skin, kissing the entire expanse of her neck, while Hermione purred contentedly. "Are you happy, Mrs.Snape?"he muttered against her skin. Hermione turned towards him; she hadn't had a chance to fully appreciate the comeliness of Severus Snape in a tux- classy and sexy. She put her arms around his neck, touching their foreheads together. "Yes, very. Although, I wish you wouldn't call me Mrs.Snape."
"I mean, I would have my name officially as Hermione Granger-Snape."
"But of infamous mother was Mrs.Snape and I wouldn't want to bestow that title upon anyone, especially not you."he agreed. Hermione further said,"And I always heard Arthur calling Molly as 'Mrs.Weasley' when he was cross. I wouldn't like it if you did the same." "So what endearments am I allowed?"Snape asked playfully. "Let's see,"a smirk appeared on her face," 'Hermione' for everyday, 'my darling' and 'my love' for when you're feeling very loving towards me, and for very special me 'Goddess divine' ." Snape chuckled,"And when shall I call you 'My Princess'?" "You can only call me that when you're perfectly and completely and incandescently happy."she replied. Snape looked at her with a slight smile,"Kiss me, My Princess." His eyes exuded a deep yearning and he emphasised the word to make his implication come across clear. Hermione flashed him her most endearing smile and then started kissing him. In between smooches, she opened the single-button of his tuxedo, sliding it off his shoulders and unclasped his waistband from the back, dumping it on the floor too. Then she untied his bow-tie in one quick pull but let it hang around his shoulders. "It looks sexy that way." He was too mad with lust to grin at that and he yanked down the chain at the back of her gown, stripping it neatly off her. They fell back into the bed still kissing and after kicking off her heels, Hermione opened the first two buttons of his shirt. Snape reached across to pick up a rose and stroke her cheek, lips, throat and chest with it; the red flower contrasted perfectly with her creamy complexion. Her breath hitched when he reached her cleavage and then he started kissing the dip at the middle of her collarbones. As Hermione closed her eyes enjoying the sensation, he nibbled from one collarbone to the other, then the top of her breasts, down her sternum, all the way to her navel. He grazed his teeth at the fleshy part of her underbelly and kissed over the thin lacy material of her underwear, removing it with his teeth. Then he came up again to unhook her bra and pull it off too. Before Hermione could release the breath she had been holding, he took one nipple into his mouth and that breath came out in a rasp. He sucked at it edaciously and Hermione let out a moan that was a mix between agony and pleasure; he flicked his tongue at it, tugged it with his teeth and Hermione fisted a tuft of his hair, while biting down hard on her lower lip. She was getting wetter by the minute and he knew exactly what he was doing to her. She was overflowing with raging hormones as her sensitive buds bore the delicious brunt of his expert mouth. She hadn't felt like this in quite sometime and desire coursed through her body like wildfire. He reached up and released her lips from the clutches of her teeth and closed his lips around them instead, absorbing her orgasmic cries. After he broke the kiss, she thought she had a moment's respite to get over all the mind-blowing feelings he had going through her, but he ran his hands down the curve of her body and her breath didn't get a chance to slow down. He attacked her neck and shoulders with deep kisses that made sonorous sounds emanate from the depths of Hermione's throat. He placed feather-light kisses down her torso and then hooking her legs around his shoulders, he placed himself in between them. Hermione gasped out and threw her head back further into the pillows as he kissed and swirled his tongue around the most erotic place at the apex of her thighs. It was so mind-numbingly ecstatic; she couldn't think anymore, it was only feeling. She pulled at her hair as she moaned loudly again and again, but he continued. One part of her wanted him to stop, out of shyness, while the other part begged him to go on forever. Her visceral recesses seemed to be getting ripped apart with the intensity of her hyperventilations. All senses were being sucked out through the acutely sensitive chasm of her nether-regions. She arched off the bed and more towards him, but he dug his fingers into her hips to hold her in place so that he could continue his relentless torture. She practically convulsed as he voraciously devoured her. Finally, he let go and Hermione brought her focus back on his face with great difficulty; their eyes met and he smirked and licked his lips. Oh my...I can't bear this anymore...This is too erotic! He halted a moment to gaze down at his wife's eyes that had turned into burning caramel balls with lust. She clutched at his shirt as she pulled him closer and smashed their mouths together. Seeing her tugging at his pants, he understood that she would go mad if he didn't indulge and thus he quickly relieved himself of his breeches and filled her orifice with his shaft in one quick motion. She dragged her lips along his neck and bit his earlobe as he pounded on exquisitely fast. Hit by wave upon wave of tsunamic oragasms, they ultimately got lost in an absolute bliss..................................
The next morning Hermione woke up to find her husband sound asleep beside her, on his back with his limbs completely flailed around him. She remembered their shenanigans from last night and knew he must be exhausted. She gave him a kiss on his brow and got up, pulling his shirt on. Looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror, she marvelled at herself; she looked worn out as well but her bridal sheen hadn't tainted yet and she still wore her joyous smile. She spied marks of the deep kisses she had received in the hollow of her neck and her lips looked tender, bee-stung. Now that everything was over, the realisation finally sunk in. I'm a married woman now!
The house was empty- the attendants still back at Hogwarts- and she looked around the place, breathing it all in. This is now my home too. I am the mistress of Chatsworth castle. She strolled around to the kitchenette- she wanted to have a little counter for preparing snacks and the like in the upper floor itself, not wanting to bother the house-elves with every meal. So she had this made. There she shuffled through the supplies to prepare themselves a little breakfast. She couldn't hear Snape ambling in, over the sound of the bacon frying in the pan. "Morning love."he seated himself on a stool at the counter. Hermione gave a startled jump and then let her eyes travel down his half-naked body, covered only by his skivvies. "You would've given Mrs.Reynolds quite a fright, had she been here to see you like this."Hermione smirked and continued cooking. "I'm sure,"he replied with an amused expression,"But no one is going to bother us for the next whole week. We're leaving for Maldives tonight, remember?"
"You sure you wanna go? I mean, we are all alone together in this house..this is honeymoon for me right here."
"Yeah well, I don't mind, as long as I get to spend it with you. And, you are mine for the rest of my life. Only mine."he grinned. That's true. Hermione couldn't help but feel how lucky she was. "We could go too. It depends on you. How's your back?"she asked, pushing the plate of bacon, beans and toast towards him. "Fine."he replied, even though he still fingered the muscles at his lower back. "By the smug expression on your face, I'm guessing you are quite proud of your sexual prowess last night?"she mumbled over a mouthful of toast. A naughty grin spread on his face,"I bet you'll always remember it as the night of four times!" She blushed slightly,"Was it? I lost count...but I'll certainly remember it. Thanks a 'quadruple' time!" They laughed at their own joke and then he asked,"So what say you, ready to thank me again over the whole week?" Hermione thought before answering,"Yeah, I think it'll be great. And you've already made the reservations so I don't wanna be the one to cancel it. It'll be nice and relaxing- just the two of us. But you take rest now, I'll do the packing." Snape surrendered to his wife's strict orders and therefore by nightfall, they were off to their 'madhuchandrima'(honeymoon).....................................
Hermione had been a little surprised when he had let her know where they were going for their honeymoon. But he had said,"I know you'll love the ocean. Plus the sun brings out the bronze in your hair." And to their delight, they landed to a bright, sunny day in the south-asian country. Snape had been complaining the whole flight to rid himself of, what he called, an 'irksome confinement'- much to Hermione's amusement, but his mood was considerably lifted, seeing the charming exotic beauty around them. "The name Maldives have derived from the
Malayalam words 'maala', meaning garland or necklace and 'dweepu', meaning island. Thus they are also known as 'Necklace Islands'."he boasted his recently acquired knowledge while Hermione was curiously peeping out of the window of the car that was taking them to their resort. "I heard the Dwivedians are very superstitious too. Do you know they once took a coconut into custody for 'abnormal behaviour' during a presidential election? They believe the fruit is used in witchcraft!"she laughed out loud. Snape smiled to himself. Trust Hermione to come up with such quirky trivia. "I would've shown them what real witchcraft is like but I have no intention of being burnt at the stake!"she further joked. But with the sole intention of avoiding any kind of suspicion, they had undertaken muggle ways of travelling, normal attire and conferred with a squib trip-advisor who settled everything with her Maldivian representatives to cater to the wizarding couple's every whim. They were greeted at the gates by one of them. "Namaste. My name is Abdul and I'm the concierge. Welcome to the island of Gan." He showed them to their suite and left them after telling them to give him a call if they needed anything. Hermione couldn't believe that they had a whole island to themselves and couldn't wait to go exploring. Snape had chosen this place precisely because of its isolated geography, where they could relax secluded from the other tourists; and he was happy with the accommodations. What he was not happy about, were his clothes. "I knew I was going to regret this..."he muttered,"Hermione, I can't believe I let you handle my stuff." He rummaged through his luggage in vain to find something that was remotely close to his usual black clothing. Finally he settled for a powder-blue shirt and black trousers; the other things in there were more outrageous to him. "What is the problem? There's noone here who would recognise you. Strangers don't know your professional attire, therefore you have no fear of getting teased. So chill."Hermione argued."Besides, you look cute." But 'cute' wasn't something he had ever looked, nor intended to look. He went out into the porch overlooking the sea and brooded at the sunset. Hermione took this time to set up her toiletries in the bathroom and sneaking in the lingerie she had bought. This was the first time she and Snape were alone on a trip and they were a honeymooning couple no less. She put on the red lacy innerwear and worked on making her eyes and lips more alluring. She was getting jittery and came into the bedroom, poured some red wine into two glasses and jumped into the bed, awkwardly trying to decide where to put her arms and legs. Finally she decided to spread herself into a sexy position, reclining on a pillow, the drink idling in her hand. At that moment, Snape entered, halted, taking in the vision. She smiled naughtily and bit her lip in a seductive way. His eyes glinted but he stayed still, staring and then casually strolled over to her. Her heart-rate fastened but he only bent to pick up his glass and then laid back in bed, in a perpendicular angle away from her, propping himself on his elbow. He took a sip of his drink, his eyes never leaving her and a ghost of a smile curled the corners of his lips. Hermione recoiled back slightly, covering her essentials. He's laughing? "Why are you smiling?"she asked, a little disappointed that her flimsy attempt at seduction didn't work this time. He took some time before answering, looking her over. "Because people keep talking about love as a feeling. But when I look at you, I know what love feels like. And what love looks like. You set my heart in motion and you put a smile on my face. And I'm sorry, it just won't go away. I don't think I want it to." Hermione listened, then sighed and reached out to take a chocolate-covered strawberry from the box. She sluggishly bit into the fruit, which she had hoped would be a catalyst. Ok, Mr.Sensitive. "Darling, you don't have to try so hard to make these few days as the best days of my life for me- these would be memorable anyways because I'll get to spend it with you. No, it's the days after that counts. We are gonna work to make the rest of our lives as wonderful as this." He scooched beside her and pulled the sheets upto her chin. He kissed her forehead and hugged her to himself. And they slept together, in the most innocent sense of the term; truly as a couple, joined at their bodies as well as hearts.

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