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"Thank you,sir,for indulging my request."Hermione said as she came out of Snape's office."We'll begin practicing once a week.That should be enough."Snape offered."And thanks for the tea."he added with a curt smile.Hermione grinned,"My pleasure."Just as she was about to go they saw some Slytherins passing by who put their hoods up and made sounds like dementors and one of them shouted,"The dementors send their love,Granger."This was clearly orchestrated by Malfoy who was laughing hard in their midst.Hermione shifted from one foot to the other and Snape glowered after them.Hermione awkwardly went away but Snape watched her go for a long time before closing the door.Bullies.She is subjected to such follies.I know all about how it feels like to be bullied................................................
Hermione had already been once scolded by Wood to order a new broom,but she hadn't quite gotten over the fact that her old broom was completely irreparable.She didn't have much wizard money,her parents being muggles and so she couldn't possibly spend the little she had on a posh broom.Yet she needed it for her next match.She chewed cornflakes for breakfast while thinking over it,in the Great Hall when a parcel landed in front of her with a thud.It was long and shabbily wrapped which she quickly tore open and out came a brand new Firebolt.This discovery was followed by gasps from her surroundings and everyone stopped to look."Where did you get it?"was the most common question asked but Hermione was too overwhelmed to reply.Ron looked as if his eyes would fall off,Harry was extremely excited,the girls were screaming their delight but Wood was beyond happy,"Our victory is sorted!""Who gave this to you Hermione?"Ginny gaped,coming closer."I dunno..there was no note..."Hermione said turning over the wrapper.All I got from the Dursleys was old clothes for my birthday.But this is the best birthday gift ever!Surely,not Dumbledoor...maybe...what if he.?Her eyes went over to Snape who looked quizzically at Hermione and her present.Then he and McGonagall brought their heads together to discuss something.McGonagall looked up at her and looked determined to do something but Hermione shrugged it off.She was more excited to show off her new prized possession........................................
"Hullo Hermione."Fred and George bowed in front of Hermione,impersonating Percy,and since they came out of nowhere while she was strolling down the corridor that she almost jumped out of her skin."Wha-what are you guys doing?"she asked,holding her chest."We were just leaving for Hogsmeade and thought about giving you a birthday present."George said."Yeah,couldn't leave you behind all upset.Nah,not on your birthday,sweety."Fred said and Hermione watched the twins carefully.They are up to something.They handed her a blank piece of parchment and Hermione,suspecting it to be one of their jokes muttered,"Er...thanks."They laughed and pointed out that it wasn't any ordinary piece of paper.One took out his wand,tapped it onto the paper and said,"I solemnly swear that I am upto no good" and words and drawings started to appear on it."Mssrs.Moony.Wormtail.Padfoot and Prongs,are proud to present The Marauders Map."she read confused.Fred and George took the next few minutes explaining how it was a magical artifact that they had nicked from Filch's office and which showed the entire map of Hogwarts and marked where everyone was with inked nametags."So,you mean...this map shows everyone?"Hermione asked not being able to believe it."Everyone""Where they are.""What they're doing.""Every minute.""Everyday" they took turns to say."Brilliant."Hermione grinned."Now don't go handing it over to a teacher."Fred rolled his eyes."There are passages marked in it that can take you out of here,you know."George said,with a knowing smile."See you at Hogsmeade,"they winked and went away and Hermione could'nt decide which of her gifts were better.................................................
Hermione used her invisibility cloak along the way through the secret passage to Hogsmeade.Sweating all the way there because she was acting against her nature and breaking school rules;by the time she reached there she was exhausted.But she quickly found her energy back when she saw shelves upon shelves of the most succulent looking sweets imaginable.She found her friends,who nearly had heart attacks seeing her materialize there but quickly recovered.She didn't have any money on her so they treated her to chocolates and butterbeer and showed her around.Ron scowled when she told them about Fred-George's gift but was glad they did.While roaming around they came across Wanted posters of Sirius Black pasted accross walls and Hermione felt guilty.They don't know,but everyone is trying to keep me safe from Black and here I am endangering my own life.Soon she bid them goodbye and returned back the way she came.As soon as she was inside the castle again,she found herself face-to-face with McGonagall."Ms.Granger,if you would follow me."Hermione did as she asked,a terrible feeling in her stomach,dreading that she had caught her sneaking out.But instead of her office,she turned towards the Griffindor commonroom which puzzled Hermione.She stopped when they reached there and said,"Now if you could bring down the gift you received this morning."Shocked at first believing that she was speaking of the map,Hermione breathed out realising she was only talking about the Firebolt.Hermione opened the door of her room and brought back the broomstick,bewildered."I don't understand what's the matter-""Since there was no note containing the identity of the person who sent this to you,we are confiscating it.For now."McGonagall said expressionlessly."But Professor-"Hermione tried to argue.But McGonagall was not to be persuaded,"It will be subjected to all kinds of tests just to be sure.Maybe Professor Flitwick would strip it down-""Strip it down?" Hermione repeated horrified that her brand new broom would become the victim of such atrocities.McGonagall sharply turned to leave,and Hermione could only stare at her back in dismay.

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