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Snape was pacing in his room.For the past few days he hadn't been able to make any form of contact with Hermione.Umbridge had blocked every fireplace in the castle(excepts hers) so that floo-powder could not be used,the owlery was kept under guard and every letter inspected before being sent out and even in class he had not tried to talk to her.And anyways she hadn't met his gaze and hurriedly went away as soon as the bell rang.In vain he had picked up the phone to dial her number but it said that her phone was switched off.So he was trying to figure out what to do when he had an idea.He called for his houseelf and asked to bring Dobby in.Dobby greeted him cheerfully upon arrival,"How is Ms.Hermione Granger's boyfriend doing?"Snape stopped short,unable to follow up this comment but started again as he had a more pressing concern."Dobby ,I know you are a free elf.But I need to see Hermione.So could you do me a favour?""Of course I could.But that doesn't mean I would."Dobby said,toying with him.Snape realised he was doing this because he was still offended about how he had treated him in their last encounter.He sighed and said,"Let me rephrase that.Will you do me a favour?"Then when Dobby still stared at him as if to keep him going, he added,"Please?"Dobby finally agreed and he asked him to fetch Hermione's invisibility cloak,without her knowledge.As Dobby left,he sat on his chair,tapping the floor impatiently with his foot.Dobby returned with the cloak within an hour but was a little apprehensive in handing it over to him."Don't worry,it's for her benefit only."he assured him and threw the cloak over his head and dissappeared on the spot.....................................................
Snape walked slowly,hunching a little so that the cloak could cover his tall frame completely and not accidentally reveal his boots under it.He had waited until nightfall so that everyone were in their rooms but he still peeked around the corners to check whether there was anyone there,before tiptoeing down the corridors.He reached the Griffindor commonroom entrance and saw the fat lady dozing in her portrait.He looked up and down the corridor,found it deserted and popped his head out.The fat lady was startled out of her slumber but she had previously once helped Snape pursue his lover and this time also,obviously assessing the situation,she let him in although he didn't have the password.He entered through the hole and crossed the empty common room,straight to Hermione's room.She opened the door on the second knock and looked around puzzled as she couldn't see anyone.Snape revealed himself then,and as Hermione was about to open her mouth to gasp in surprise,he put a finger on her lips and pushed through.Behind the locked door, he removed his finger and Hermione said in a loud whisper,"What are you doing here?Are you out of your mind?!""You don't get to say anything after the nonsense you pulled with Dumbledore's army!"He said angrily and Hermione grew quite."I mean,seriously Hermione.How daft could you be?I know you were only trying to help and everything but trying out spells and hexes all on your know how dangerous it could be?Training as soldiers,getting ready for combat.And moreover giving your group the name 'Dumbledore's Army'!"He shook his head.Hermione bit her lip,"That was idiotic.Dumbledore got the brunt of it for no reason.""There's no point in saying that now is there?He is gone,we know not where.We can't even contact him because of that Satan's devotee who is snooping on every mode of communication between the school and the outside world."He said,passing his hand through his hair."You didn't once feel the need to consult with me before doing this?"Hermione looked down,"I knew you would never have allowed it.But the feeling of being useless was eating me up from my inside;I couldn't sit idle and fret over what was happening.But yes,I shouldn't have involved anyone else.My friends got into trouble because of me-""Bollocks!I know you care for your friends but I'm only concerned about you.You didn't think about the consequences did you?You never think about them because you've always managed to get your way by sheer dumb luck.This time it didn't turn out in quite your favour now did it?"He said absolutely frustrated.Hermione thought he had come to see her because they had not seen each other at all for these past days but now she was chafed."Have you come to gloat?I admitted that I cocked up.Now what do you want me to do?Go down on my knees in front of Umbridge and beg her to bring Dumbledore back?"Snape grew quite realising that she had had enough of chastisement from him and she had already atoned for what she had done.He took a milder tone then and said,"No.I had to see you.I wanted to see how you were doing.""I'm fine.But you need to go now.If Umbridge finds out...I can't believe you took such a big risk in coming here tonight."saying this Hermione pushed him outside and closed the door in his face.But she stood there with her forehead pressed to the door.I can't do this.Why am I so weak?He came here to see me,obviously out of want.I can't just let him go.She quickly opened the door again and saw,to her pleasant surprise,that Snape hadn't moved an inch and was looking at her wistfully.She grabbed the front of his coat and pulled him in and before the door was even fully closed,her lips were on his."Oh,Hermione.What do I do with you?"he said in between kisses."Did you miss me?"Hermione asked."You have no idea."he replied and showed her just how much."Are you annoyed with me?Are you already fed up with my propensity for making mistakes?"Hermione asked sheepishly.He cradled her face in his hands and kissed the corner of her mouth,"Your blunders are my privilege.Your sins, my virtue."She pushed him flush against the door and they smooched.She pressed against his chest and he winced,because of the cuts on his chest from the quill."What's wrong?"Hermione asked.He just shook his head,"Nothing.I was just thinking about your OWL exams.Umbridge is going to be up all of your arses."he said changing the subject and Hermione was successfully distracted."I know.I've been preparing."He only now looked around the room and saw that every inch of her room, her bed,her table and even the floor was covered with books,charts,parchments,quills and potions equipments."Shit."Hermione cursed,seeing the heap of her clothes and undergarments tossed in a corner and waved her wand so that they got neatly arranged back in her closet.She cleared a part of her bed so that they could sit."Of course I don't need to worry about the assiduous Ms.Granger."Snape said,patting her hand.She smiled but then it faded."But we won't be able to continue with the occlumemcy lessons.I'm afraid about when Voldemort would possess me again.I just can't let him in again,and make me see anymore things."Hermione said,troubled.He took her hand more strongly and said,"You had enough practice and you had shown much skill in it.I'm not worried about that happening anymore."But deep down he knew that he really was.

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