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[ Terribly sorry for the late update; my phone broke down.Keep voting and commenting.Thank you.]

Malfoy manor shook with the bestial roar that Voldemort made after he came to know that he had been just a few seconds short of catching his nemesis."Explain yourselves!"He gave a kick to Lucius,who was already down and was moaning gibberish.Narcissa pleaded,"Please,my lord...we wanted to call you before.Only..." "Only what?"Voldemort snapped.Draco looked close to the verge of tears but he dared not leave the room.Narcissa looked desperately for an excuse and found one right in front of her."Only Bella wanted to beleaguer the girl by harassing and tormenting her to have a little treat for her own." Bellatrix glared at her in a satanical way and tried to say in a sugary sweet voice,"My lord,believe me-" Voldemort slapped the witch across her face,making her go sprawling across the floor.She looked back timorously before tearfully explaining,"I was only trying to extract information.The little wench possessed the Sword of Griffindor." If there was any vacant area left in Voldemort's face to show any more emotions, it was now occupied by dread.She picked herself up but still cowered in front of his rage,"But it was a fake one.The imp swore it." "But they all escaped.Again!You let an elfin sprite outsmart you?"Voldemort's indignation was so vehement that he couldn't form coherent sentences, every utterance was a squall.He only then noticed Snape,standing in a corner.As soon as he saw the Dark lord watching him,he tried to rearrange the features of his face."And what is the reason for your presence here,Severus?" He spat out but not so much as a reprimand, as Snape was still of the highest rank among his death-eaters- he was almost the Beelzebub to his Satan.Snape took a flattering approach,"I was informed of the trio getting caught and pardon me,my lord,but I couldn't miss an opportunity of witnessing the greatest sorcerer alive, take that last step towards achieving his coronation to his rightful throne.As much as I was taking pleasure in the persecution, I suggested to them that your arrival was essential to carry out the carnage." Voldemort's chest was still heaving from animosity but he calmed down."Elven magic doesn't work like that of wizards.The house-elf found some way to get in and out of here- he had worked in this household before after all- and he helped them escape.Wormtail fell foolishly in their trap and paid for it with his life.If there has been any fault then it is only our inability to conjecture a mythic creature's insidious agility."Snape added.Voldemort gave a grunt in response as he had nothing more to say in front of Snape's deft dissertation.The Malfoys, Lestrange and Greyback also breathed in relief at Snape's skillful discourse in moulding the uproar to a placate.But Voldemort still looked disturbed, like his mind was preoccupied.Snape cautiously asked,"My lord,if I may be so bold,as to ask,what exactly is there in Bella's vault,that she was so worried about the trio getting their hands on?And where does the sword of Griffindor fit in-" "That does not concern you."Voldemort snapped and Snape decided not to push it any further,in lieu of his anger.Although he did want to know desperately.Bellatrix looked from one to the other, and seemed to be glad that her lord didn't disclose the secret to Snape.Voldemort whipped out his cloak and disappeared in a gush of wind...........................
Hermione kneeled before the place where they had erected Dobby's tomb.The little elf had succumbed to the wound left behind by Bellatrix's knife and had been buried in the very spot where they had apparated to,where he had breathed his last,contented that he had been successful in his endeavour, that of helping her and her friends escape with their lives.Hermione's heart went out to him but she didn't cry.Deers apply grass as a balm over their wounds.Lions let their wounds fester-it serves as a reminder.He never forgets.Hermione made a silent promise and before limping back to the house,she waved her wand over the stone slab which was serving as a make-do headstone and words got etched on it: Here lies Dobby- a free elf.....................
Snape was in his usual place at Dumbledore's office, in an armchair, spending the night staring blankly out the window; watching the world revolve from night to day and contemplating about his world spinning out of his control.He didn't hear the knock on the door at first because it was almost negligible and he was so hopelessly lost in his own thoughts.But then the rap came louder and he woke with a start.Who the hell is it?!At this time of the night?He got up with half a mind to tell those Carrows to shove off because he suspected that it was them who were up to some mischief at his expense.But before reaching for the door his stomach suddenly flipped.What if it's news about Hermione?Is she in trouble again?What if it's the worst?!With these worries going through his mind,Snape lurched the door open as quick as he could, to find McGonagall.She looked tensed, apprehensive and above all furtive,like she had a secret.Snape was going to ask the direct question but he got his unasked query answered, as Remus Lupin stepped out of the shadows."What are you doing here?"Snape asked in a loud whisper but McGonagall pushed past him and dragged Lupin inside.Snape closed the door and put a muffliato charm on it.Then he again rounded on them."Do you have any idea how much of a risk it is- you coming here?Not just for you but me as well?Minerva,what were you thinking bringing him into this room?The Carrows didn't see you ,did they?" "Ssh Severus, hear the man out."McGonagall scolded. Lupin looked a bit abashed ,before telling diffidently,"Dora and I just had a baby girl." He held out a box of sweets for him, with a wry smile.McGonagall also looked at Snape ,her eyes twinkling, waiting for his reaction. Snape glowered to-and-fro between them a number of times.Are you kidding me?! He cleared his throat, trying very hard not to cut him with his sarcasm,"That's precious, Lupin,.....but I really don't think-" Lupin retrackted back the box he had offered, seeing that Snape had no intention of having even one and informed,"I also have news of Hermione." Snape awarded him his undivided attention then, with the mention of this piece of information."How is she?Is she okay?She wasn't fatally wounded,was she?How are they all doing?"he asked,his voice mixed with concern and melancholy. Lupin began in an aggrieved way; a little hurt that Snape completely sidetracked the only remotely happy thing happening in his life,"I heard that Harry,Ron and Hermione arrived at Bill and Fleur's new residence.So I went there as soon as possible.They really had a rough ordeal."He could see the expectancy and dread in Snape's eyes,but also that his pride forced it to stay out of his face. Lupin continued,"It was a miracle that they came out alive,if at all.And more so that they managed to smuggle out Griphook the goblin and Ms.Lovegood too, who had been stuck in the Malfoys' dungeon for weeks.But Dobby....was not so lucky.Apparently Bellatrix threw a knife at them while they were making their escape, as a last attempt of her to incapacitate them and the elf took it directly on his chest." McGonagall sighed loudly and looked down. Snape pursed his lips.So the knife found a target,if not 'the' target.How is Hermione taking this?I know she had a soft spot for that house-elf.But most importantly, how hurt was she?Physically. He crossed his arms over his chest and asked again in a low tone,"How is she?" Lupin breathed out and told gravely,"She took a hit.She'll shake it off." Snape stared at his feet.Of course she was badly hurt.I saw her condition...he is not telling me the full extent of her much more can she endure before she-
Lupin looked around awkwardly when Snape didn't make any reply and said,"I just thought you should know.Minerva wrote to me that you weren't doing too good yourself.That the anxiousness was eating off of you.I'm not saying that this would cheer you up but now you atleast know after her health." McGonagall quipped in,"What about Potter and Weasley?" "They're hanging in there...a little shaken,though.Obviously.And Fleur is being really sweet-from what I saw,she was taking very good care of Hermione.Nursing her wounds and just being very welcoming and kind." "And how is Nymphadora?And the baby?"McGonagall added so as not to sound rude or uncaring."They are both well,thank you."Lupin replied beaming.Then he saw how dejected Snape looked and put a comforting hand on his shoulder,"Severus,don't worry so much.She'll be fine,Hermione's a strong girl.She'll be up and running in no time." Snape tried to force a reassuring smile but it didn't quite materialise.He couldn't tell him how grateful he was that she atleast had someone with her.He couldn't bring himself to thank him-he just couldn't say the words.It was so unlike his character.He chastised himself for it. Lupin's hand fell limp off his shoulder and when he found nothing else to say he muttered,"Okay, so I'll just take off." McGonagall escorted him out and Snape followed them to the door.Before he closed it, he stopped them by calling out, "Moony." Lupin whipped around,surprised. Snape had to do something,even some small act of gratitude.He was too stupid to realise that a small word like thanks could be the ice-breaker that they so desperately cleaved.Instead, he chose to do something that could do the trick just as well. Snape took one sweet from the box Lupin had in his hand and offered as a reason,"Just because it's a girl." He popped it in his mouth and flashed him one of his rare smiles.

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