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[This chapter is basically about what happens at the end of Prisoner of Askaban.After telling Harry and Ron about everything she came to know,Hermione with the others went to Hagrid's hut during Buckbeak's execution but now they already saved the hippogriff without getting Hagrid under suspicion and after that the whole Scabbers escaping,the dog arriving,the willow thrashing them,things happened.Here it was Snape who saw in the map Hermione and her friends dissappear under the Whomping willow and went after them right after Lupin and he bust in just at the time when Sirius was explaining the situation to Hermione.]
Snape stuck the wand to Sirius's throat with malice in his eyes,then looked at Lupin,"Well well Lupin,I've been warning Dumbledoor that you must've been helping your old friend to get to Hermione."He scanned the whole room.Ron's leg was bloody,Harry was dishevelled,as always and Hermione had minor cuts and bruises but otherwise looked all right."Go back and play with your chemistry set,Snivellous."Black hissed."Sirius don't."Hermione warned."Professor Snape.Its not what it looks like.You don't understand...."What is she talking about?She's gone mad!Maybe she's under the imperius curse."Stop talking now.You all are coming with me to answer to the Headmaster."Snape ordered.Hermione quitely took out her wand,"I sorry.I'm really sorry about this."Shocked beyond words that Hermione would ever take up arms against him,Snape was too late to react and her curse hit him square in the chest and he went flying backwards and passed out........................................
Hermione froze where she stood,the gasps of her friends in her ear.What did you just do?You attacked a teacher!Not just anyone,but Professor Snape!He'll never forgive you for this.This is what Trelawney predicted;You are dead now.
[Then again the Prisoner of Askaban story continues.Pettigrew is discovered,they are blown out of their minds.Hermione now understands what really happened.She convinced them not to kill him.Then they set out to hand Pettigrew over to the dementors and to vindicate Black.Then the full moon came out of the clouds,and Lupin started to transform to a werewolf,having forgotten to drink the Wolfsbane potion.Pettigrew managed to escape in the midst of all the scurry.]
Hermione,Ron and Harry held onto each other as the werewolf stood growling in front of them.Just as it was about to lung for them a figure came and stood protectively in between.Hermione's despair was gone when she saw it was Snape.The werewolf raised it's hands and brought it down like a whip and the blow fell hard on Snape,who fell down with a groan of pain and Hermiome shrieked.Just as it was about to attack again,Sirius,now transformed into the shaggy black dog,that had been stalking Hermione, lunged forward and took the werewolf away from them.Hermione inspected Snape;he was unconscious and had a deep gash across his chest which was bleeding but he was still breathing.She told Harry and Ron to look after him and went haring after the dog and werewolf,now engaged in battle,snarling and biting at each other.She stunned away the wolf with a swish of her wand and it went running into the forest;she then helped succour Sirius who was gravely injured.Just then the dementors arrived,and Hermione sat searching desperately for some happy thought to drive them away.Quick!Think of something.Sirius is going to be free.I'll never have to go back to my uncle's again.I would not be expelled from Hogwarts.But then she thought of something,if it ever came true,she knew that she couldn't be happier.Snape came into her mind,saying the three magical words-'I love you.'Mustering up all her strength she shouted,"Expecto Patronum!"She conjured the largest patronus she had ever made;her coyote looked like a Dire Wolf,only bigger and brighter and it drove away all the dementors.After these nerve-wracking incidents Hermione took Sirius to Buckbeak and they flew away together while she and Harry charmed Ron and Snape upto the hospital wing...................................................
Shaking,Hermione drew closer to the bed where Snape lay,his chest bandaged.What did I do?I'm the reason that he's hurt.How can I ever make amends for this?She had finished explaining everything to Dumbledoor and McGonagall and Harry and Ron had backed her story but it was not enough to prove Sirius not guilty to the rest of the world.They were now only waiting for Snape's recovery.Hermione fearfully touched his hand,but as soon as she did,his eyes opened and he drew away.Hermione recoiled,hurt.He rounded on Dumbledoor,"Headmaster.........these students-""Severus..hear poor Ms.Granger out."Dumbledoor said calming him down.Hermione repeated her story again and Snape visibly calmed down and was much more understanding when he got to know the full aspect of the situation."I'm so sorry I used a defensive spell on you Professor.I really am.I don't know...if you could ever forgive me...And after what you did for us..for me...You were the only one standing between us and Professor Lupin in his werewolf state;you got hurt but you didn't let anything happen to us.And if you hadn't taught me the Patronus charm....I'd probably be dead."Hermione went on with her eyes downcast.When she finally glanced up at him,he gave her a look of forgiveness.McGonagall cleared her throat to break their stare at each other."Ms.Granger-""I know,ma'am."Hermione indicated to Harry,Ron and herself."We'll go pack our bags right away....we'll be out of your sights in no time."Hermione hung her head."Whatever is the matter...Ms.Granger?"McGonagall asked,vaguely confused.Hermione stated the obvious,"We attacked a teacher.We were out in the school grounds at night.We helped a convicted criminal to escape.So,we're bound to get expelled for this."McGonagall shared a smirk with Dumbledoor and said,"Maybe we should let Professor Snape decide."Snape then acted to mock think for some time and Hermione looked hopefully at him."I think MsGranger,and her friends should be given a second chance.After all she showed excellent potential in dealing with dark forces and that was one hell of a patronus that could drive away that many dementors."Snape said with a smile playing across his lips.Hermione grinned like a Cheshire cat and Harry and Ron gave exaggerated sighs of relief.After that Madam Pomfrey came and shooed them away so that Snape and Ron could rest.

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