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They had a week's holiday and Hermione was invited to stay at The Burrow with the Weasleys and the other Order members.Since Snape was also a member of the Order,the courtesy was extended to him too and he accepted.So they all travelled by portkey and arrived in front of Ron's house.Mrs.Weasley sniffled in her handkerchief,while giving each of her children a hug and wept when she reached Hermione,"It's because of you Arthur is still alive.How can we ever thank you..."Tears came to Hermione's eyes too and she shook her head saying,"Ssh..it's alright now."Molly was so overcome by emotions that she hugged Snape too,who looked like he would rather be anywhere but in the embrace of the short,plump woman.Hermione giggled wiping her eyes.After pleasantries were exchanged among the fellow Order members,Hermione saw Sirius coming out to the porch.She ran to hug him and he swung her around,joyful to see her after so long.She let go of him and felt Snape's arm drape across her waist possessively.Sirius's smile also faded but for Hermione's sake he acknowledged his presence by stiffly nodding and saying,"Snape."Snape also returned the courtesy by replying,"Black."Hermione sighed;among all the elders,Sirius had taken their relationship with the least aplomb.But of course he was her Godfather,almost like a father-in-law  to Snape and father-in-laws are bound to hate the guts of their daughters' prospective suitors.In their case,the fact that they hated each other from their school lives didn't help either.Hermione went on to hug Lupin and Tonks too who were allegedly a couple.Moody grunted in response to her hello while Kingsley Shacklebolt kissed her hand.They all went inside and they soon left to visit the ailing Mr.Weasley at St.Mungo's,apart from Sirius,who was to be under house arrest under the instructions of Dumbledore,and Kingsley,who offered to stay behind to keep Sirius company...............................
Mrs.Weasley sobbed on her husband's chest,who tried to desperately calm her down by patting on her back.His children hugged him over the bandages which now covered his face and neck and then he extended his hand to Hermione ,which she took."Hermione dear..what can I say..?""You don't have to say anything.I'm glad that you're okay."Hermione told him.After that they left to stand outside his room while the Order members talked to him and Molly bustled off to talk with a doctor."Wonder what they're talking about?"Ron wondered aloud."I wish I could hear them too.There's an awful lot of things they are hiding from me."Hermione said,looking towards the closed door."That can be easily arranged."Fred said with a smirk.George took out something from his inner pocket,"Extendable ears.""What if mum runs in on us trying to eavesdrop?"Ginny asked looking around."Ssh,if we be quick,then.."Fred and George inserted one end through the gap under the door and they took the other end somewhat far,making the cord almost transparent so that it was virtually undetectable.They huddled together and listened to the conversation going on on the other side of the door.
"Hermione's vision is the only reason I'm still alive,Alastor."Mr.Weasley was saying."Yes,if she hadn't alerted us about the attack then it might have been too late."Snape was arguing."But Dumbledore also believes that these visions are directly from Lord Voldemort's mind.What if it's only the beginning?What if he continues to invade her mind and shows her things?"Moody grumbled."That is good on one hand right?I mean,then Hermione can alert us about His next attacks beforehand."Tonks said timidly."But what if he shows her things that hasn't happened or are not about to happen just to confuse her and lure her to do something stupid?"Lupin asked genuinely concerned."Exactly!"Moody boomed."She is going to learn how to stop him by doing occlumency lessons with me.She'll be able to block him."Snape protested."Is that going to work?"Mr.Weasley asked feebly."I'm afraid,Hermione has been possessed by Voldemort.Soon,he'll use her to get to us and lead to the extinction of the Order of the Phoenix,which means wiping out the last of his resistance."Moody said darkly to which the others disagreed but not very strongly. Out here,Hermione gasped while her friends looked at her,with worried and frightened expressions on their faces...................................................
That evening back in The Burrow,Hermione told Sirius everything apart from her fear after what she had heard."I know you are conflicting internally but don't be so divisive.Have faith in what you believe in and no evil can invade your mind."Sirius consoled.Hermione was still looking morose so he added,"And those occlumency lessons you're going to take with Snape,I bet they'll help.I hate to admit it but he's pretty good at his job."Hermione looked up at him surprised and saw that he wasn't joking.She hugged him and he kissed the top of her head.They were unaware of the tall,black figure looking at them from the shadows.Snape was surprised too that Sirius believed in him.Sirius handed her a wrapped mirror,to use only when she needed him.Hermione took it back to her room and kept it safely inside her backpack.At dinner,everyone were having a pleasant time,what with Mr.Weasley about to be discharged the next day,but Hermione remained distracted.Snape noticed this and found it odd since Hermione was obviously noted for her people's skill.When he raised her eyebrows at her she just feigned a  smile and shook her head.After what she heard at the hospital,she could barely bring herself to touch her food,but she merely chewed down on whatever she had on her plate to avoid causing suspicion.In truth she had made up her mind.If what they feared was indeed true,then I must get away from them before someone else gets hurt.If Voldemort is indeed possessing my mind then I could get dangerous.It would be better to leave human society altogether.But the thought of leaving everyone behind brought a lump to her throat.Especially Snape.How could she leave him and just go?The heartache she felt at that moment was unbearable and she bit down on her lip to control her eyes from overflowing.....................................
They had transfigured the single beds to bunks to accommodate for the lack of space and the boys bunked together in two bedrooms.Hermione and Ginny shared a room,so did Molly and Tonks,while Snape,Lupin and Sirius reluctantly agreed to spend the night in one room and Moody and Kingsley left for their own homes.On her way up the stairs Hermione met Snape in the landing."You seemed a bit distracted during dinner.Any problem?"He asked pulling Hermione close to him.She put her hands on his chest,"No.It's just...I was wondering how long I'll have this.All of us together.""Hey,nothing is going to happen.Not for a long time..we have plenty of time together."He said,searching her face as to why she was so melancholy.She stared at him long,trying to memorise his face,every single aspect of him,for she believed it was the last time she was going to see him."If only..."she murmured and Snape could not understand her.She hid her tears by kissing him;to him it seemed to be just a good-night kiss but to her,it was their last kiss,the last form of intimacy they were ever going to share.Long after they all went to bed,Hermione stared up at the ceiling,her pillow soaking wet from her silent tears.Then after believing everyone was in a deep sleep she pulled off the covers and got out of bed.Her things were already packed in her trunk-trolley and she noiselessly packed the other necessities into her backpack.She took out the mirror Sirius had given her,planted a kiss on it in his remembrance and put it back inside.Then she tiptoed out of her room,with her things and came down the stairs.She passed the boys' room where she heard snoring from inside and silently bid her friends goodbye.She walked past the room where Mrs.Weasley was sleeping and apologised in her mind for not letting her know about her departure.Finally she came in front of Snape's room and sobbed uncontrollably holding the closed door.She blew a kiss aimed at him and ran her hand on the doorframe imagining it to be his body.Goodbye my love.Perhaps another time,in another life we'll be together.

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