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It didn't esape McGonagall's or Dumbledoor's eyes the exchange of looks between Hermione and Snape,precisely at moments when the other looked away.Dumbledoor was always looking for a popping up of romance in his school and McGonagall was happy for her friend.It would do him good to have his mind somewhere happy.God knows he needs a relief from what he goes through,otherwise he'll go insane.Glancing towards each other,they both agreed that they have to intervene to uncomplicate the situation.They trusted Severus to behave rudely and push her away or Granger to do something incredibly stupid and mess this up.We are all fools in love.
"Is there something you wish to tell me,my dear?"Dumbledoor quizzed,looking over his half-moon spectacles.Hermione found herself dumbfounded.How could he possibly know?Is he thinking what I'm thinking?What is he talking about?Oh god,I'm so getting expelled!Before anything even happened.Surely he wouldn't do that."No sir"Hermione quickly replied.Dumbledoor contemplated this for a moment,making Hermiome uneasy,subjecting her to that x-ray vision of his making her feel as if he could see through her soul."Okay."
"That's it?I'm sorry but what was that about Professor?"Hermiome was extremely puzzled.First she was summoned to his office,then she had to endure his curious inquisition.
"Nothing serious Ms.Granger.I've seen you fretting over something for days and I'm just letting you know,its all fine.Just let yourself go.When in doubt,you can always find me here.Or down in the kitchens,trying to sneak out candy."he added with a smile."I-er,will be sure to remember that."Hermione said before coming out of his office,puzzled more than ever.
"So you've finally lost it?"
Snape was momentarily shocked by McGonagall's sudden question.For a wild second he tried to guess whether she was talking about losing his mind or virginity.When he raised his eyebrows questioningly McGonagall added,"Your heart."Snape snorted,"I've been reliably informed that I don't have one.""Oh,but everyone knows that's not quite true."Mcgonagall retorted.Then she decided to frankly ask him and calculate his expression."It's Ms.Granger,isn't it?"Snape could'nt believe it. How can she know?I'm supposed to be the best in Occlumency!She noticed something.Did everyone else notice too?Was I this obvious?Does Dumbledoor know too?I'm gone for now."What the hell are you talking about?Maybe you had too much to drink.."Snape grumbled.But McGonagall was unstoppable,"Oh,its quite allright Severus.Everyone deserves happiness.You two would look good together.Oh,sly you,how you made us believe noone was good enough to tempt you.Who would have thought a lion would be able to steal the diamond (heart) from the snake?I knew Ms.Granger had potential, but not for this!I'm so happy for you!Are you aware of her feelings though?You should'nt waste any more time,snap her up."
"There's a psych ward in St.Mungo's where I shall book a bed for you,Minerva;don't worry,you're just out of your mind but I'm sure everything would be allright."saying this,Snape made a hasty escape,leaving McGonagall in hysterics.

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