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It was Autumn and the scenery outside Hogwarts was picturesque.The training of the Dumbledore's army was going well and Hermione rarely had time to visit Snape.It was easier that way to hide the fact from him that she was secretly running a group to fight the dark arts.Umbridge had already tried to sack Professor Trelawney because of her limited expertise in the field of divination but Dumbledore intervened at the last moment.But things were getting very serious and Umbridge was suspecting every single one of them were up to something against the ministry.So the DA had to be extra cautious while convening their meets as Filch was almost always at their tails.He was most definitely employed by Umbridge and there was nothing in the world that could satisfy him more than getting students punished. It was an off day from practise and Hermione checked the weather outside and brought a book out with her as she went to lie down under a tree;it felt good to have the sun shine on her skin.She wanted to learn up new spells to teach her army and she shuffled through the book she had taken from the restricted section of the library.While she tried to memorise,her thoughts kept straying to Voldemort.What is he doing now?Plotting my murder?My friends'?My loved ones'?He's possibly giving out instructions,stroking his pet snake.Nagini...yes,"Go to the ministry,the department of mysteries,and bring it to me."
"Yessss masssster."
Why am I thinking of the snake?I can feel it slithering down the cool marbel floor.The polished walls on both sides shows its reflection.I reach the door with a big doorknob.Inside it is totally dark,but I can see through the snake's eyes.There are thousands,millions of orbs stored in neatly stacked rows;apparently the room isn't enclosed by walls,it goes on and on,both upwards and in length.But master has specified the number.I slither my way through the aisles of shelves.But soon as I reach the right aisle I notice there's someone there.A man,patrolling,with the tip of his wand glowing.I stealthily crept up behind the unsuspecting man and lunged at him before he could turn around.With the first blow he crashed to the ground,taken by surprise.Yes.But wait,no!It's Mr.Weasley.I can't harm him.But my actions are beyond my control.I bear my fangs and strike.He tried to raise his wand but I had made enough damage to weaken him.I could feel my teeth go through his flesh..I could taste his blood......................
Snape looked out through his window.There was a dazzling sunset and he saw many students who had been roaming outside to absorb the sun,were slowly returning to the castle.He was wondering what Hermione was doing when he spotted her sprawled across the grass,under a tree far off in the distance.He saw that it was quite far off and partly hidden by shrubbery and noone would spot him if he went down there,unless they were really looking.He thought he could chance it and went downstairs.What is she still doing out there?Its getting dark and a bit nippy.He took a detour to avoid the returning students and went around to the place where Hermione had dozed off.He looked at his lover,lying with a book open on her chest,her skirt slightly hitched up by the cool breeze.She looked peaceful,at first but then he noticed there were large patches of perspiration growing on her top,under her arms and around her neckline.She was sweating even in the Autumn air.Suddenly her face changed it's expression and her brows furrowed.Her lips parted and she started biting her lips fiercely so that it drew blood.Her hands shot out and grabbed the grass so hard that her nails dug through the mud.Snape knelt down on the ground next to her.She is having a nightmare.He gently patted her cheek to awaken her.Her eyes shot open and she clutched his hand."Mr.Weasley!"
"Hermione.You were dreaming.You're not thinking straight.I'm not-"
"No,Mr.Weasley has been attacked!In his office.At the ministry."Hermione said,wild-eyed.
He was taken aback."What are you talking about?You just had a nightmare-"
"Professor Snape,please believe me.I just saw Mr.Weasley getting attacked by Voldemort's snape.We need to go to Dumbledore.I fear we might be too late."Hermione jumped up,wiped the blood from her mouth and dragged Snape along the way as they sprinted to Dumbledore's office..................................................
"In your dream,were you standing by as you saw Mr.Weasley being attacked or were you the victim yourself?"Dumbledore asked,pacing.
Hermione recalled her vision,"Neither.It was like..."
Dumbledore gave orders to seperate persons in portraits around his office to go check on Mr.Weasley at the ministry.Hermione was glad that she was being taken seriously,though Snape could not understand why.It was just a dream,wasn't it?McGonagall ushered in very confused looking Ron,Ginny,Fred and George."Ms.Weasley,take a seat please."Dumbledore suggested.While Ron tried to come near Hermione to ask what was going on,Snape planted himself in their middle;obviously she was pretty disturbed and he didn't want Ron to subject her to his endless yapping.Hermione was getting frustrated that Dumbledore wasn't stopping to talk to her calmly;rather he was bustling about and not even making direct eye contact."Professor?"Hermione tried to call him.
"I just heard that Arthur Weasley has been gravely injured while on duty at the department of mysteries.The officials found him thanks to the tip off and he has been taken to St.Mungo's.He'll live although he is in a critical condition."One of the portraits reported."Ah,thank God.Tell them I'll be there as soon as I can."Dumbledore said,letting out a sigh."Professor Dumbledore,as I was saying-"Hermione tried again but was cut off again."Minerva,the Weasley kids need to go back to their home right away by portkey.Make the necessary arrangements.."But then something possessed Hermione and she shouted at him,"Look at me!"Dumbledore snapped his head around to look at her,his eyes blazing.Everyone stared at her dumbstruck.McGonagall gaped.It was like Hermione hadn't even spoken herself.No one had ever dared to shout at Albus Dumbledore before.And Hermione had never talked like that to anyone.Snape put a hand on her shoulder."What's happening to me?"Hermione croaked.Dumbledore's eyes then softened.He talked to Snape instead."Severus,I'm afraid that we can't wait any longer.Wasting more time would make her vulnerable.Start with her training immediately."Snape and Dumbledore whispered something privately.What they were talking about was beyond Hermione;she was still lost in thoughts about what could have happened and why she saw what she saw.So she didn't say anything and let Snape lead her down to his office.

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