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Shit!Snape trotted down the corridor to the Griffindor common room.He gasped for breath in front of the portrait of the fat lady and requested entry."Can't do it Professor."the fat lady replied,looking sheepish.He was confused,"But-but you've allowed me entrance before-""But this time Ms.Granger asked me specifically not to."she informed.He tried to request but she wouldn't budge.Then he tried to threaten,but she refused to be intimidated.He ran his fingers through his hair."Look, it's very important for me to see her.She took to heart something I said...""Hmm she sure looked hurt and angry."the fat lady nodded.He was incredulous,"Then you should know how important it is for me to talk to her!I'll not leave till you let me in.I can wait out here in the corridor all night-don't test my patience!"Somehow she realised that it would be better for them to sort it out by talking and she swung open and he stepped inside.Since everyone had left for Christmas holidays,it wasn't going to be a problem for him coming there and he looked around to see Hermione sitting by the window holding her legs close to her chest and she wiped a single tear as she watched the moon outside.She turned her head at the sound of his shoes and at first,looked confused as to how he gained entrance;then as he moved closer,she jumped to her feet and stared at him,daring him to touch her.He stopped in front of her,"Hermione,please...""'Fickle-minded'? Childish?Shallow and 'having the propensity to change every other day'.That's what you think about me don't you?"she asked.He tried to say,"No no,of course not-""Oh my God,I can't believe you used the phrase 'girls like you'."she said disgusted.
"I didn't mean it in that way.In fact,if you were not totally different from other girls do you think I would've fallen for you?No,Hermione,you are unique,you're one of a kind and you are just looking at it all wrong-"
"You thought that this was some onesie,like-like I would fool around with you,take advantage of you,and then toss you out!"
"No no.."
"How could you call my love for you a 'teenage crush'?What right do you have to demean my love like that?"
"I'm sorry.But that was way before I came to know the full extent of your affection.Think of it rationally;is it so unreasonable for me to doubt your feelings towards me?What had I ever done to make you love me?But surprisingly,you did-and I was flummoxed.You deserve better than me,you're young-"
"There it is again.....'young'.Our age difference has always been an issue with you-"
"You didn't let me finish.It's true when I say you are young.But I like your eccentric behaviour and your foibles.I have come to love all the idiosyncrasies of Hermione Granger.I find your nature lovable and your attitude charismatic and sweet.We complement each other well.We have built this relationship with care-don't let this silly conceits ruin it."he reasoned.Hermione pressed her hand to her temple,"I've got a splitting headache,I'm going to bed.Please,I just need some time to wrap my head around all this."She went to her room and he stood there for sometime,feeling numb;then his legs slowly carried him outside......................
The next morning Snape sat at the teachers' table in the Great Hall,his eyes fixed at the door,his breakfast sitting untouched in front of him.He couldn't eat till he saw Hermione enter.As she did,he breathed normally again and tried to assess her expression.She refused to meet his eyes and plopped down next to Neville,who had also stayed back.Hermione spooned through some cereals but didn't eat much and stole glances at the teachers' table.Neville saw the whole thing and said,"Wow,Snape's eyes are piercing right through me to look at you.Why are you not looking at him?"She tried to mumble through a mouthful,"It's nothing.""Yeah,right."he snorted,"I can feel the heat.The sexual tension is through the roof."She coloured and looked at Snape again and saw that he was desperate to talk to her.Just then Hedwig landed before her to deliver a note from Dumbledore informing her that their next lesson was later that day.She looked at Dumbledore and saw that he was watching the two of them too.......................................................
Snape knocked once at the door and then turned the knob to go inside Dumbledore's office.He peeped in and saw Dumbledore sitting at his desk and Hermione was also there;apparently they had been doing the lessons that they were having together."Ah Severus,come in."Snape stopped and an awkward silence ensued."I should go."Hermione said quickly."Just a moment dear."Dumbledore said,"Is everything okay between you two?"Both of them looked at each other,then looked down.Hermione bit her lip before finally saying,"Professor Snape has a problem with our age difference.He thinks of me to be too childish and my love as just an infatuation.""For heaven's sake,I did not mean that!There was a lot in my mind and I wasn't aware of what I was saying.I didn't know you would react like this..."Snape defended himself.Dumbledore observed them over his half-moon spectacles and said in a composed tone so that Hermione would understand,"Hermione,okay I admit that what he said was wrong but he has apologised for it.I don't see why you should still be displeased with him..."
Snape told,"I said I'm sorry.Hermione I don't think of you as a child.I am attracted to you,I love you.""But not enough to confide your secrets with me."Hermione snapped.Snape went quite so Dumbledore said,"Ms.Granger,I assure you that Professor Snape would tell you whatever you need to know at the proper moment.If he is keeping something from you ,he has his reasons,not because he doesn't trust you or thinks you're too immature to handle it but because he has to come to terms with it himself."Hermione pondered over this for some time them remarked,"I knew you would take his side."and stalked away.Snape's face fell and he whispered,"I thought we were on the same side.".........................
There was a light tap on Snape's door late that night and he opened it to find Hermione lumbering outside.He stared at her,his mouth slightly agape,trying to measure her mood."Can I come in?"she asked."Sure sure."
She walked in and he closed the door and waited for what she had to say."I'm sorry.You were right.I shouldn't have reacted like that."she admitted sheepishly.He let out a breath,realising how hard his heart had been beating,fearful that she had come to end their relationship."I'm stupid and I am childish.It was such a silly thing and I overreacted.It's a problem of mine that I overthink everything."she told him."I'm sorry too.It was mean for me to make fun of you like that in the pub-that got you going.Then what I said last night just spurred you on to loose your temper."he affirmed.She shook her head,"No no.It's me who is at fault,all my follies...""Are we going to fight again?About who was wrong?Honestly I don't take pleasure in this."his lips curled and Hermione also gave a small smile.She came forward and took his hands,"So,shall we put this behind us,then?Forget this frivolity?""What frivolity?"he smirked and pulled her closer and they shared a long hug."Damn,could I be any more sheepheaded?The first time you confessed something to me and I flipped out on you.Now you would be more enguard while speaking your mind."Hermione sighed."Please,know that I would handle such things in a mature way in the future and try to receive whatever you tell me with more applomb."she said sincerely."You may tell me whatever you want,unfiltered and whenever you feel I am ready.But...judging by this incident,I guess that's not going to happen anytime soon..."Snape thought it better not to give any reply to this at the moment.Hermione let go of him and he looked at her smiling face."You had me scared for a while there....I thought you were going to end it.I don't know..what I would've done then.""Come on,I wouldn't have been able to do that-I wasn't that angry.I would go crazy without you.This stupid little fight wasn't worth a trip to St.Mungo's."Hermione joked.He raised his eyebrows,"What would you've done had this not been settled?"Hermione mock-thought for a second,"I believe I would've tried to find out if Grawpy was available.He has  larger feelings for me."Snape let out a playful little growl,"Come here you."and he yanked her hair down so that her face pointed upwards and he started kissing her.She laughed and gave in to the kiss.
[I have to say,I'm a tad bit disappointed that I thought about those easter eggs so hard and no one was willing to play along 😕😞😔]

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