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Hermione had dried her tears,let out a deep breath and set out for she knew not where.But before the enormity of what she was about to do dawned on her,before she could even go a few paces outside the fenced garden of The Burrow , a deep sonorous voice echoed from behind,"Going somewhere?"Hermione stopped on her tracks,shocked frozen and pressed her eyes closed.She knew that voice well enough.She slowly turned around to have her fears confirmed as she saw Snape standing at the threshold,crossing his arms across his chest and looking extremely cross.Hermione looked as if she had been caught under the searchlight trying to flee from prison.She had gone pale and couldn't even begin to think how she would explain herself.Snape put his hands to his sides and walked towards her, his eyes blazing.But she raised her hands,"Stop.Please..I can't do that all over again.I've said my goodbyes and I can't cry anymore,I've got to be strong."Snape stopped,"What are you talking about?And why the hell are you sneaking out?!""I have to get away from you.All of you.I just need to go,far away."Hermione said,pushing away the tears that were threatening to escape."How did you find out anyway?Why are you not in bed?"Snape's mouth curled,"When have you ever been able to lie to me Hermione?When you said there wasn't any problem,I was sure something was definitely bothering you.So I stayed up to see if you tried to do something stupid.And this is definitely doing something stupid.""No.I'm trying to fix things.If I'm indeed being possessed by Voldemort then I can cause more trouble by being near you all."Hermione said.Snape's eyes widened,"You heard?Us back at the hospital."Hermione admitted to it sheepishly.He pressed the bridge of his nose."You should'nt have heard it.It was not the right thing to say for Alastor.""Well I  had to know the truth.I'm surprised I hadn't thought of it before.I'm the weapon He wants."Hermione argued."And do you think running away would help?"He asked enraged."Noone should get hurt because of me.My presence would cause more damage than my absence could cause scarcity of arms to fight in battle.It's better this way."Hermione countercrossed."Has it crossed that brilliant mind of yours that it wouldn't take Him two minutes to track you out and take you down if you're out there all by yourself?"he said antagonised amd Hermione's face grew smaller."Or do you believe that you are the great Granger who is capable of duelling to death one of the most powerful wizards of all time without any help?!"he asked infuriated.Hermione understood her mistake.Snape came closer still and said,"You think you're being selfless,by secluding yourself and protecting everyone.But you don't even realise how selfish you're actually being.I maybe the least of your concerns,but what about your friends,your Godfather?All the people who love you,care for you and are willing to fight this battle by your side.No matter the casualties."Hermione's eyes began to water again,"No.Do you think it's easy for me?Abandoning you like that?But I thought...""You thought what you think is probably for the best.End of story."he said embittered.Hermione didn't know what to say.He levitated her trolley off the ground and slid her backpack off her unprotesting shoulder."If you've finished with your melodrama,then come back inside with me.I've had far enough moronic actions for my taste for one night."He grabbed her hand and walked her back inside the house while Hermione hung her head in defeat.She had understood what imminent consequences her actions could have brought and she was glad that she had a mature partner in her life.........
The next morning Hermione was a little late to wake up as she had fallen asleep quite late and she bounded down the stairs to the noise of the Weasley family getting ready to bring the head of their house home.She smiled at everyone,relieved that she had the chance to see these faces again,whom she thought she was going to see for the last time,just last night.But the man who stopped Hermione from making the worst mistake of her life was sitting at the dinner table,quitely sipping his coffee and pouring over the Daily Prophet.He raised his eyes from the paper as Hermione walked in and again went back to his reading.Hermione knew he was still angry with her.She poured herself a cup and sat across from him.He still didn't look up.She motioned to get up and put down a coaster for the cup when Snape passed her one,sliding it across the table at her but didn't say a word.Bummer.He's really pissed.And I can't blame him."Hermione,I thought you were an early bird.What happened,problem sleeping in a different bed?"Mrs.Weasley asked while busily making the bedroom ready for Mr.Weasley."No no.I just..something kept me awake last night."Hermione lied."Wonder why."Snape grumbled from behind his paper.Probably everyone had noticed he was in a gruff mood this morning,but he hasn't told anyone about last night.They must've assumed it was one of his usual moods.Mrs.Weasley nudged Hermione in the ribs and whispered,"Did you two have a little domestic?"Hermione shook her head vigorously saying that wasn't the case.Soon after Fred and George took off to handle some transfer of ownership for a jokeshop they were trying to open at Diagon Alley and Mrs.Weasley hurried Ron, Ginny and Sirius(transformed to his dog form because he refused to stay inside any longer) off to the hospital.Lupin and Tonks were going to visit the hospital one last time before going back to their home.Ron gave Hermione an exaggerated wink before dissappearing behind the green flames of the fireplace while Molly rambled,"Oh,could you start on the dinner Hermione while we're away?And clear out everything with Snape-talk to him."She urged in a whisper.After Hermione saw the last of them leave,she turned to Snape but before she could open her mouth,he left the room.He was displeased with her and she had to figure out a way to please him.Or somehow make him go mad with want.........................................
Hermione entered the living room and saw that he had gone back to reading the newspaper,this time on the armchair at the corner.She chewed her lip and started thinking.She thought maybe she could do some vacuuming,the muggle way.She brought out the vacuum cleaner and especially did the carpet in front of his legs,bending over,going back and forth,pausing to wipe the sweat from her forehead but through the corner of her eye she was disappointed to see that he didn't so much as raise his eyes.Drat!It's not working.Then she thought about dusting some of the books that were in the top shelf and instead of accio-ing them down,she stood on a stool,stretched up as much as she could to reach for them and while doing that her tank-top scrunched up and Snape had a glimpse of her smooth underbelly and navel.Contrary to what Hermione had thought,he jad been looking at her occasionally through the corner of his eyes and was somewhat titillated."Oh,for God's sake!"saying this he flicked his wand and the books she were trying to reach flew down to the table.Hermione grinned since she was at least getting to him.But he stood up."Since you have so bafflingly decided to kill time by cleaning the household the muggle way,I'm gonna go and see what I can do about dinner,so that we don't have to starve."He remarked exasperatedly and left to go to the kitchen.Hermione plopped down on the armchair that he had just vacated and thought of something else to do.After sometime she strolled over to the kitchen and saw that he was already at work."There's your breakfast."He pointed at a plate of french toast and bacon.Hermione took up the plate and perched on the kitchen top,right next to where he was dicing vegetables.He had folded his sleeves up and his milky white skin was visible pulled over strong sinewy muscles.He looked extremely sexy but this wasn't supposed to be about him,it should be about her,she should be the seductive one here.She passed her hand over his risqué forearm and rested them on his hand which stopped working immediately and froze,suggesting that he was aroused."Want some help with that?"she asked,very kindly."No thanks.You finish your food."he replied.Hermione let go of his hand and he slowly started again; she knew that it was working.She reached over the other side of the kitchen top for the ketchup and lightly,as if accidentally,brushed her breast on his arm.He froze again and this time his lips twitched,"I know what you're doing."he smirked."Sorry.I wasn't aware that I was doing something."Hermione said,making her face absolutely innocent.He just shook his head and Hermione smirked and put ketchup on her plate.She dipped the toast on it and put it in her mouth.She chewed and watched him work.She then deliberately wiped the sauce from the corner of her mouth with the tip of her thumb.She saw him clench his jaw and flex his muscles.Oh it's working allright.He just needs a little more push.She finished her breakfast and washed off her plate but during rinsing she was sprayed a little with water from the sink.She wiped the front of her top with a towel muttering,"Shit.I'm all wet."Then she realised that was the perfect line and then she made sure he was watching while she licked her lips and bit her lower lip in a sensuous way.That was the ultimate catalyst.Snape's eyes glinted and he threw down the knife ,saying,"Sod this."He lunged at her,pushing her against the wall.Before she knew it,he had both of her arms above her head in a vicelike grip and pinned her to the wall with his hips and knees.His groin was touching her belly just above the crotch and she could feel the hardened muscle underneath.His other hand grasped her chin to bring her face up and hold her in place.And he latched his lips to hers.Hermione moaned into his mouth,immediately opening her mouth to give his tongue access.He had never kissed her this aggressively,it was just only not painful.But she liked it,she wanted it.He took full advantage of her,his tongue exploring her mouth like an expert,and she couldn't even do anything as her hands were forced above.His hand travelled down from her chin to her throat,then to her hip,brushing her breast on the way and through her sports bra,Hermione could feel her nipples harden.Snape knew exactly what effect he had on her and bit on her lip hard,tugging at it as if he wanted to eat it up and then sucked on it,before finally letting go.Hermione was left as if hanging;she felt like she had run a mile,her heart was beating so fast and she stopped herself from leaning over and grasp her knees,which had turned to jelly.He was breathing hard too but Hermione was a quivering mess.She knew she had been getting him on edge but she didn't expect this much of a reaction.That was how much he wanted her."You asked for it."he said,raising an eyebrow,but she was left wanting more.

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