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Snape strolled over to the library,escaping from McGonagall.There,walking through the rows of bookshelves he spotted someone working at the table in the corner by a window.Of course.Its the go to place for the bookworm.Out of all the places you had to come here and run into the very person you're trying to avoid?But Snape saw that this was an easy way of studying her without revealing himself.He took up the book right in front of him,pretending to read it while observing her over it's edges.She's so engrossed in her work.With her head bent down,her lips pressed together with a hint of her tongue sticking out in between,scribbling away on parchments.A loose strand of hair fell across Hermione's face.Snape fought the urge to go right upto her and tuck it behind her ear.What?That would be inappropriate.She's your student for God's sake!Hermione put the end of her quill in her mouth and looked up,lost in thought.And her eyes landed straight on him.
Hermione was busy studying in the library but she found her thoughts constantly straying to the man she loved.Is it that much to be called love?His black eyes were like a veil,concealing so much.There was more to him than he let's anyone know.His deep silky baritone made her go weak in the knees.Whenever she was in front of him she found herself lost for words but in front of her friends she couldn't stop talking about him.The mere mention of his name made her heart flutter.She chewed the end of her quill and looked up.Snape's tall figure clad in black appeared in front of her eyes.God,I'm even imagining him before me.
Snape quickly buried his face in the book and cleared his throat to hide his embarrassment.He is really here!Was that my imagination or did I just catch him staring at me?Yeah,probably wondering how mental you are."Good evening,Professor."Hermione said politely.Snape pretended to only just see her there."Yes,indeed it is a good evening.And what are you doing inside on a day like this?Shouldn't you be outside enjoying like your other  friends?"Snape drawled in his usual manner,saying 'friends' as if it was something disgusting.Huh,I was trying to be nice and he just can't help being rude,can he?You've chosen well haven't you Granger?"This is my favourite place in this school.I find solace here amidst my silent companions."she mumbled gesturing towards the books.After a while Snape said in a small voice but loud enough that she heard,"This happens to be my favourite place too."Both of them fell silent.Before the silence could get more awkward Hermione packed up her things ready to go,"See you at dinner sir.""Looking forward to it."Snape said.What?Snape went back to his book as if not believing what he just said and Hermione went away without another word having trouble believing what she just heard.

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