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The next morning Snape woke up with his face buried in Hermione's neck.He found that he was holding her close to his body and she was fast asleep.He untangled himself,pulled the duvet over her to cover her modesty and got up to use the bathroom.He came out and saw that Hermione had shifted back to lie on her back again and was still snoozing,beguiled.He couldn't help but feel that he was the luckiest man in the world who had such a prised possession.He jumped back in bed and carefully shielded the sunlight falling on her face with his hand.But the light had done its damage and Hermione furrowed her brows before her eyes flickered open.Immediately on seeing Snape,a smile broke across her face."Morning sunshine.You look resplendent."he said and she grinned.She couldn't stop grinning she was so happy."Of course not,I just woke up..I must be looking awful-""You and 'awful' cannot be said in the same sentence.You always look beautiful."he commented and she was flattered."Did I hurt you,my love?"he asked."You were very gentle,sweetheart.I loved it.I wanna do this all day,everyday!"she told him.He gave her the smile he reserved just for her.Then he quirked up an eyebrow,"Would you now,Ms.Granger?""Yes.But I have to get dressed for the day."Hermione made a face,as if going away from this room caused her displeasure."Why don't you take the day off?You must be chafed,from last night's-activities."he said and Hermione coloured slightly.Anyways,it was the new years eve and there wasn't going to be any classes so technically ,she wouldn't be missing any lessons.She looked down at his arms around her and gasped,"Severus,the dark mark!Is it just me or does it look as if it has slightly faded?"He nodded,"I noticed it too when I was using the bathroom.""What does it mean?"she asked."Maybe I'm getting purified in such... angelic presence."he said and she smiled gladly.Hermione was a little shy about her nakedness,so she put on his white shirt and went to the bathroom.As she looked at herself in the mirror,she was stunned by the person she was seeing.I finally did it!And with none other than Professor Severus Snape,the love of my life.But we didn't just have sex,we made love. And it was the single most exquisite experience of my life.When she came out,she saw that he was already dressed."Oh no sir,I'm not letting you go anywhere.If I'm staying in so would you."she said it like an order.Snape was about to protest but she launched herself at him and kissed his mouth shut.He chuckled and complied.They both glanced down at the bed at the same time and saw that there were some bloodstains on the sheets-evidence of her lost virginity.Hermione flushed,embarrassed while Snape said,"I'll take care of that."He clicked his fingers and his house-elf appeared.She changed the sheets and collected the old sheet and Hermione's discarded clothes and undergarments off the floor and dissappeared with a pop.Wonder what she'll make of it?This will definitely give her something to think about.They went out to the drawing room where breakfast was already waiting.Seeing the food,Hermione realised how hungry she really was.She plopped down on a chair and winced."Are you sore?"Snape asked,looking at her.When she nodded he said,"Take a nice relaxing bubble bath later.And oh,here-take this."He handed her a small vial which she tipped immediately into her mouth."It's a contraceptive potion."he informed her and added,"Something tells me we are gonna need lots more of that." She shyly looked down."Stop biting your lip.I know that lip is delicious,I can attest to that but it's very distracting.I happen to know you're not wearing anything under my shirt,which makes it even more distracting.Trust me,you don't wanna make me mad;you're already sore."he said silkily,in a chastising tone.Hermione released her lip from her teeth in shock.Holy hell!Did he just say that?I had no idea I could affect him so."Eat."he commanded and she eagerly took up the knife and fork and started gobbling down.He stared at her through hooded eyes as he chewed his own food.After they finished,Hermione was about to wipe her face with a napkin but Snape leaned over the table towards her and licked the sauce off the corner of her mouth,effectively turning her on.How can he switch between being so bossy and endearing,so quickly?"Come on.Let's get you in the aqua pura."he took her up by the hand and led her to the bathroom.He took of his coat,folded up the sleeves of his shirt and turned on the faucet and filled the bathtub with water.He turns 500% hotter when he rolls up his sleeves!He was much more at ease with her seeing the dark mark now.He then poured a pink potion into the water and it foamed quickly,filling the room with a sweet,sultry aroma.He turned to Hermione,and motioned her to get on with it.She stared at him and slowly opened the buttons of his shirt and cast it on the floor,strip teasing in a way.He gazed at her,his eyes dark,then held out his hand.She flushed crimson and looked down at his feet.I am naked for heaven's sake! But she took it and stepped into the bath.The water was enticingly hot.She so wanted to hide behind the bubbles now frothing at her feet,because she was shy under his constant gaze."Hey,"he said,taking her chin in his hand and tilting her head up so that her eyes reached his,which were soft and warm,"You are a very beautiful woman,Hermione.Don't hang your head like that.You have nothing to be ashamed of.I want you to be comfortable in your own skin,specially in front of me."Hermione looked up more confidently then and slowly sat down into the warm ,welcoming water.It stung her,prickling her skin but the warmth soothed the pain in her nether region.She relaxed,lying back and briefly closed her eyes.When she opened them again she saw Snape gazing down at her with his head cocked to one side."Why don't you join me?"she said,her voice husky."I think I just might."he smirked and started stripping.Hermione bit her lip seductively as he unbuttoned his shirt and pants,put them aside,then shrugged out of his briefs,all the time his eyes not leaving hers.Then she scooted forward and he climbed in behind her.He opened his legs wide,so that she could sit in between and pulled her close to his chest.A tremor ran through her whole body.We are both naked in a bathtub together!If someone said this would happen just yesterday I would've said he had had too much mead.Hermione rested her head on his chest and he laid back relaxed on the side of the tub.Such tranquility and contentment neither had ever experienced before.He reached for a bottle of shower gel from the shelf beside the tub and squirted some into his hands.He started on her neck and shoulders,messaging firmly with his long,strong fingers.She groaned.His hands are just so good.He was glad she was liking it.He moved down to her arms and as his hands glided across her breasts,she inhaled sharply.His fingers encircled them and started kneading gently.Her nipples were very tender and his massage was making them hypersensitive.He didn't linger long though,and moved down to her belly and stomach.Then his hands reached the most private part of herself and her legs stiffened and she tried to move but his legs pinioned hers to the side of the tub.She tilted her head farther back and her hands rest on his thighs.I am a sexual thrall to this man and he isn't letting me move.After her cleaning was done,she sat up in the tub,facing him now.She squirted some bodywash into her hands and rubbed them together forming a lather.She readied herself,about to touch him;he watched her closely,not saying anything.He closed his eyes as she lathered up his chest,shoulders,neck and arms.The bubbles had mostly cleared off by then and Hermione glimpsed his erection just above the waterline.She reached forward and placed one hand around it and his eyes flew open in shock.His breath hitched as her fingers tightened and squeezed.He closed his eyes again as her hand moved up and down his length and he flexed his hips.When he opened his eyes again ,his gaze was scorching molten black.She grew braver and bent down to close her lips around it and tentatively suck."Whoa...Hermione."he gasped.She sucked harder,ficking her tongue over the tip and felt his legs stiffen.His teeth was clenched and he grabbed her head."Christ,I'm going to come-"but as her teeth grazed it,he was tipped over the edge.He held onto the side of the tub so hard his knuckles went white,and he came into her mouth.His breath hissed between his teeth and when Hermione faced him,his eyes were filled with a salacious need.Watching him writhe subtly with carnal longing gave her a satisfaction.He was finally able to speak again,"That was unexpected... but never cease to amaze me,Ms.Granger."Hermione grinned wickedly.
He clambered out of the bathtub and wrapped a small towel around his waist,covering the essentials and handed out a larger,fluffier one to Hermione.She climbed out,wrapped the towel around herself but before she could leave,he pulled her into his arms,kissing her hard and pushing his tongue into her mouth."You smell divine."he said.Snape lifted her up in his arms and carried her back to his bedroom and after flicking his wand to dry both of their hairs,he dropped her in bed,so that the mattress sprang with her weight.She was breathless with the way he suddenly dropped her but he climbed into bed next to her and they fell back giggling on the pillows.They never thought they could be this lovey-dovey.She propped herself up on one elbow,tracing the light purple marks on his chest,tenderly kissing all his scars and watched his happy smile.He stroked her cheek and grew somber,"You'll be the death of me,Hermione Granger."She searched his face and his eyes were serious.
"Just when we reached paradise,don't utter words of cessation.
My face in thy eyes,thine in mine appear.
So let's obliviate ourselves in this sweet annihilation.
For time's winged-chariot is hurrying near."
Hermione's recitation brought an appraising smile to Snape's face.She climbed on top of him,and putting her hands on both sides of his pillow,she slowly leaned down on him.He pushed the hair out of her face and eagerly latched his lips with hers and they kissed,rolling around in bed.

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