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Our group headed back to Magnolia so Juvia and Gray could rest. Our original group decided that we were gonna leave them to work out their problems and start building the guild hall again while the rest of us go and search for Erza.

We started heading off in the direction Erza was last spotted. As we went, we saw a little shop and it was a training dojo.

"Ooh I wanna see what's in there!" Natsu said like a child grabbing Lucy's hand and pulling her into the dojo. Lucy was blushing a bright red as the dragon slayer grabbed her hand, Happy and I made eye contact and smirked.

"She loooves him!" We sang making Lucy yelled at us. Happy and I laughed and followed Natsu inside. It was empty.

"Hello?" I said looking around the place. Legit it was dead. Like no one. Not a living or breathing soul.

"Oh I'm so sorry we were jus-Mari?" A familiar white headed sibling said covering her mouth in shock.

"Lisanna?!" We all yelled. I guess finding the Fairytail members will be a lot easier than I thought, it seems like they're coming to us!

"I can't believe it...it's all of you! You're all here!" Lisanna cried running to hug us. We kinda just stood there hugging each other until Natsu decided to sneeze.

"ACHOO!" The fire eating dragon slayer sneezed and caused a giant flame to come out of his mouth. Lisanna and I managed to dodge just in time, but Lucy and Happy, not so much.

"YOU IDIOT!" The burnt Lucy and Happy yelled in unison. I snickered as Natsu gave them a big grin. Lisanna shook her head and I looked at her.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing, it's just that...they haven't changed at all. It's kinda comforting you know? After all these years, Natsu is still Natsu, Lucy and Happy are still themselves, and you are still you." Lisanna said smiling softly.

I smiled back and looked at the three fighting. Yeah, they haven't changed a bit.

"What's going on in here?" A deep voice boomed across the room.

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