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When I was an orphan, Fairytail took me in. When I was lonely, Fairytail became my family. They were always there for me. Maybe we weren't blood related but we've been through enough to say that we're family.

I'm Mari Estillin, I am a proud member of Fairytail. I was an orphan, I was kidnapped when I was little. I was took to Tenrou Island by one of Acnologia's magic creature. Apparently Acnologia wanted some human flesh so they took me, but the first master, Mavis saved me.

She raised me to be who I am today. Mavis gave me my guild mark when I was a little kid so I could always see her. She trained me in magic and taught me many useful skills. That's why now I have mastered the Three Great Fairy Magics. I know those spells by heart. I've been learning them my whole entire life.

Then one fateful day, Fairytail was on Tenrou for their S-Class trials. I got to close and they found out I lived on the island. I then explained the whole story to them and they took me in as one of their own. I became part of the Fairytail guild, part of their family.





"Mari, hurry up! You're so slow!" Natsu Dragneel the Fire Dragon Slayer yelled at me slowing down a little bit. His blue exceed then stopped and waited for me.

"Thank you Happy." I said panting, after I gathered my breath, I glared at Natsu who just gave me a big grin. I rolled my eyes and continued walking. Since Natsu is such a great friend, he left me alone in the woods for a whole night! I could've died!

"So where are we even going?" I asked looking around, we're back in Magnolia now. Yeah, I accompanied Natsu on his mission to become stronger after Tartaros, but that crazy butt-head decided to leave me in the dust yesterday.

"We're going to see someone very special." He said smirking, I rose an eyebrow, hmm...I wonder who that is. We've been away from the world for a couple years, so I have no idea what's going on. I wonder why we haven't visited the guild hall yet.

"Alright then." I said suspicious of his behavior. After walking around for a while, Natsu led me to a restaurant. I stared blankly at it.

"What?" I asked confused standing in front of the shop.

Natsu and Happy ran inside and I followed them, I stopped in my tracks when I saw a certain blonde celestial mage. My face busted into a grin,


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